20 People Share Their Stories About Their Awful In-Laws


It wouldn’t be wrong to say that stories related to in-laws are mostly awful. In-laws are supposed to take the place of one’s parents but the opposite of what happens in most of the cases. I know people will disagree, they’ll say this doesn’t really happen in real life. But when we encounter incidents and cases stating how bad an in-law treated their daughter-in-law or son-in-law, we can’t help but wonder. Of course, the opposite happens as well, we even get to hear where in-laws are the ones who are mistreated.

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Here are incidents shared by 20 people on Whisper when they talk about their awful in-law’s stories!

1. This isn’t really awful, to be honest. But why don’t in-laws get it when you can ask them not to do something?

People Share Their Stories About Their Awful In-Laws

2. In-laws aren’t always bad but stories as such are what we get to notice in a majority. Anyway, Merry Christmas to you.

People Share Their Stories About Their Awful In-Laws

3. Your father-in-law is not just awful but creepy on whole another level. Or maybe he just free about everything.

People Share Their Stories About Their Awful In-Laws

4. The moment the word misogynist come in, in-laws are generally one of the first few who strikes my mind. And stories as such just prove obvious.

People Share Their Stories About Their Awful In-Laws

5. What? Why? All I can say is that she clearly doesn’t like you. Also, you two need to sit and talk before things get worse.

People Share Their Stories About Their Awful In-Laws

6. This actually irritates me when in-laws try to get in everything. And when you ask them not to, they make up stories saying how bad a person you are.

People Share Their Stories About Their Awful In-Laws

7. This perfectly sums up awful in-laws stories. I wish things as didn’t really exist.

People Share Their Stories About Their Awful In-Laws

8. Take an advice, will you? At times it’s okay to let things go sour to have a peaceful life.

People Share Their Stories About Their Awful In-Laws

9. Well, why don’t they get the thing that people need privacy after getting married? I guess even they wanted the same when they got married.

People Share Their Stories About Their Awful In-Laws

10. Let me guess, you never used the spaghetti sever to serve anything ever again, right?

People Share Their Stories About Their Awful In-Laws

11. Gifts are supposed to be treated as gifts. People give them to you out of love, why can’t people just accept this?

People Share Their Stories About Their Awful In-Laws

12. And that my friend, is how you describe hypocirsy in real life.

People Share Their Stories About Their Awful In-Laws

13. I hate it when people try to manage my life. I mean, come on, this is my life, I have the right to do things I want. Why can’t people stop sticking their nose in other’s life?

People Share Their Stories About Their Awful In-Laws

14. Whaaaat? I know I’ll be judged for saying but can you tell us more about the whole matter? I mean, yes, this is awaful but sounds intresting.

People Share Their Stories About Their Awful In-Laws

15. Oh! the sarcasm level in this one is damn high. When you get to hear stories as such, you can not stop wondering why people as such exist?

People Share Their Stories About Their Awful In-Laws

16. You can always opt out the whole awful matter, you know. It’s good to quit rather than waiting for something worse to happen.

People Share Their Stories About Their Awful In-Laws

17. The number of exclamation marks this person has used speaks enough.

People Share Their Stories About Their Awful In-Laws

18. This is something I can totally imagine happening. Trust me, I have even witnessed such stories in real life.

People Share Their Stories About Their Awful In-Laws

19. She is one creepy woman, that’s what I can clearly say. In-laws get weirder with age, right?

People Share Their Stories About Their Awful In-Laws

20. Watching her and her father in law having a conversation would be pure fun. She is pure savage.

People Share Their Stories About Their Awful In-Laws


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