18 People’s Exes Who Won’t Leave Them Alone Ever!


It can take years to heal a broken heart and even longer to forgive the person who broke your heart. Everything feels so good when you get into a relationship but eventually, things start degrading and you break up. Time will help you move on and get over them but what if exes don’t allow you to move on? It’s said that you should forgive but never forget but what if your ex is not letting you forget them? Not all relationship has a happy ending and not all exes leave you after breaking up. Some exes are certainly worse than others. These frustrated people have been through the wringer with their exes obsessive behavior.

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So people in Whisper shared how their exes just won’t leave them alone ever!

1.But he is the father of your baby, shouldn’t you give him a chance?

People's Exes Who Won't Leave Them Alone Ever!

2.So maybe you can forgive and forget whatever happened and give it a try!

People's Exes Who Won't Leave Them Alone Ever!

3.So the guy should leave her if she still has feelings for you. 

People's Exes Who Won't Leave Them Alone Ever!

4.Nice guys don’t stalk their exes!

People's Exes Who Won't Leave Them Alone Ever!

5.Just ignore him and start your life with the man you love. 

People's Exes Who Won't Leave Them Alone Ever!

6.Give your pins? Seriously?

People's Exes Who Won't Leave Them Alone Ever!

7.Married with two kids but still won’t leave you alone? 

People's Exes Who Won't Leave Them Alone Ever!

8.Some people are just too clingy and won’t leave no matter what!

People's Exes Who Won't Leave Them Alone Ever!

9.Exes like him exist!

People's Exes Who Won't Leave Them Alone Ever!

10.He is not crazy! He is a psychopath. Stay away from him. 

People's Exes Who Won't Leave Them Alone Ever!

11.But he didn’t stop or say you anything so you probably can’t do anything. 

People's Exes Who Won't Leave Them Alone Ever!

12.Maybe that’s just your hallucination. 

People's Exes Who Won't Leave Them Alone Ever!

13.What? But how come he knows your exact address every time? 

People's Exes Who Won't Leave Them Alone Ever!

14.Maybe she is just obsessed with you a bit too much and you should do something about it. 

People's Exes Who Won't Leave Them Alone Ever!

15.Okay! So he was the one to break up and now he texts you pretending to be random people! Isn’t that crazy?

People's Exes Who Won't Leave Them Alone Ever!

16.People understand your importance after you leave them. 

People's Exes Who Won't Leave Them Alone Ever!

17.Can’t he just let you enjoy your summer holidays peacefully?!

People's Exes Who Won't Leave Them Alone Ever!

18.Some people take more time than others to understand and accept things. 

People's Exes Who Won't Leave Them Alone Ever


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