Someone Created Postcards To Try And Save Lives Suffering From Mental Illnesses


Difficult conversations are never easy to have or attempt to start no matter our age or life experience. But trust us; the silence that is spread is actually killers, which exacerbate our isolation and loneliness around us.

We all have been or will have been through mental illnesses sometimes because they say “the best lessons are always learned the hard way,” and this is how it is. But, this is important for us to discuss the mental health issues, because they are not something that is to be kept hidden, or it’s going to eat your soul completely. Mental illnesses conversations don’t always need to be had verbally; it can be through postcards, emails or some other way of communication. It is important to have conversations about them.

Read More: If You’re A Social Media Addict, Beware! You Can Be Victims Of Poor Mental Health

So someone made postcards called Comfort Cards™ so that it can act as something to start the conversation with, about mental illnesses, about their struggling minds. The deeper connections one shares, the less lonely that one is, and this depression is the disease of loneliness. So, it is important to combat the feelings of isolation and humiliation, from the folks around and finds real people who can understand your grief and struggle.

Our friend aims that these postcards will be the bridge that people need to start the conversations that are important – the mental illnesses. The focus is on the men right now; because they feel sharing instincts of their issues might raise a question on their masculinity, so they are the more vulnerable ones. Though it is meant to be expanded to the others too, like children, women, and adolescents, to keep them away from these mental illnesses.

1.You can need help, we all need help but that doesn’t make you less of a man!

Someone Created Postcards To Try And Save Lives Suffering From Mental Illnesses

2.It’s better to say that out if you can’t say that really well, go and write it down.

Someone Created Postcards To Try And Save Lives Suffering From Mental Illnesses


3.It’s worthless to have the suicidal plans because you can always grow up and move ahead in your life.

Someone Created Postcards To Try And Save Lives Suffering From Mental Illnesses


4.If people like Adele and Messi can talk about their feelings, you can too.

Someone Created Postcards To Try And Save Lives Suffering From Mental Illnesses

5.Yes, we would all punch it in the face, hard.

Someone Created Postcards To Try And Save Lives Suffering From Mental Illnesses

6.You can be the one who can start a conversation too because sometimes it’s hard for someone with mental illness.

Someone Created Postcards To Try And Save Lives Suffering From Mental Illnesses

7.Well here is the real talk about saying someone say you pathetic.

Someone Created Postcards To Try And Save Lives Suffering From Mental Illnesses

8.It is important to make them realize that they are not lonely.

Someone Created Postcards To Try And Save Lives Suffering From Mental Illnesses

9.If someone has made an effort and made you feel better, just say a “thank you”.

Someone Created Postcards To Try And Save Lives Suffering From Mental Illnesses



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