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Heartwarming Stories From People Whose Families Shielded Them From Tough Situations

People get into many tough situations on a daily basis and fight them hard to make themselves better. Many times situations arise that may...

The Major Problems With Teenage Girls Of Our Generation

There was a time when teenage used to be one of the most innocent periods of your life but things have changed lately. Teenage...

Someone Created Postcards To Try And Save Lives Suffering From Mental...

Difficult conversations are never easy to have or attempt to start no matter our age or life experience. But trust us; the silence that...

Someone Perfectly Described Why Depression Makes People So Tired

Depression is a killer, and it’s almost impossible for someone to understand it unless they have experienced it themselves. Being isolated and becoming anti-social comes...

Comics About Hard Work And Depression Everyone Will Relate to

It is well said that there is no alternative to Hard Work. But, you can put in your hard work with 100% efficiency only...

Things You’re Doing Because Of Your Depression And People Don’t Realize...

Depression has now been affecting a lot of people and while we are fighting with it and opening about the mental illnesses and health...

Woman Created Heart-Wrenching Photo Series After Years Of Severe Depression

We always think that people who suffer from depression and anxiety are different from us and somewhere it's true. There's nothing funny about depression...

The Powerful Photos By This Woman Prove That Mental Illness Is...

When we are sick or unhealthy, it's visible and anyone can tell that we are unwell. But when it comes to mental illness, people...

Last Interview Of Chester Bennington When He Talks About His Depression

Chester Bennington death news was a shock for the entire world. Soon after his death, his last interview got published where Chester talked about...

This Obese Woman Lost 186 Pounds In One Year Only To...

Kayla Butcher has had one tough road to losing weight. The 24-year-old Canadian woman was so obese that she had to undergo a gastric...

An Open Letter To All Those On The Verge Of Giving...

To the one captured, So, you’re not feeling okay. She doesn’t let you sleep or eat or even pass a smile. But did you question...