Real Titanic Survivors Who Witnessed The Surprised Sinking Ship


It’s been more than a  century, but these Titanic survivors stories are still haunting after the ship sinking. On 15 April 1912 the Cunard liner Carpathia received a message to say that a ship, the Titanic, had struck an iceberg and required immediate assistance. The captain of the Carpathia, Arthur Rostron, along with his team reached the site of the liner 58 miles away.

With the help of lifeboats, streamers out of 2,200 travelers 700 saved their lives. These titanic survivors shared their horrific experience with us. Many of them lost their wives, mothers, husbands, brothers, fathers, sisters, children, friends, relatives and sweethearts

1.Titanic Survivors Rescue Boat

This is the rescue boat by which the Titanic survivors reached New York port.

Titanic Survivors


2.Laura Mabel Francatelli

Laura Mabel Francatelli, was 30-year old and was a  secretary from London.

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3.Molly Brown

The UN-Sinkable Molly Brown who saved many of their neighbors lives. She is a daring and brave lady. Her life took a turn after the sinking. The Danveer community accepted her and proud of her.She lost  her life on her 65th year by stroke.

Titanic Survivors


4. Crowd Awaiting Survivors From Titanic

These were the Titanic survivors awaiting to meet their loved ones.

Titanic Survivors


5.Titanic Survivors

Survivors, after reaching the New York port.

Titanic Survivors


6.  Frederick Fleet

Frederick Fleet is the first person who saw the Ice berg. He survived from the sinking. He participated in two World Wars also. Later,he experienced deep depression and hanged him self.

Titanic Survivors


7.A survivor gives a woman an autograph

The real fighter gives autographs to the people.

Titanic Survivors


8.Unidentified survivors

These two unidentified survivors later identified as Michel, 4 and Edmond Navratil 2.

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9. Reunited with their mother

Michel, 4 and Edmond Navratil 2 whose pet names are Lolla and Louis are reunited with their mother.

Titanic Survivors


10. Jack Thayer

One of the Titanic survivor Jack Thayer was 17 years old and reunited with her mother. He completed graduation later.

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Thes the were the few people and moment who witnessed the curse of the Titanic.


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