Savage Yet Hilarious Comics For People Who Are Into Dark Humour


Dark humour is for real dark people. When words fail to explain dark humour then comics help present the hilarious creativity.

In this time, when people are surrounded by hardships and real world problems, humour really helps people relax by forgetting those problems for a bit. Only a few artists are blessed with such savage yet hilarious creativity that can make people laugh. Mr. Lovenstein a.k.a J.L Westover is considered one of those people who draw quite hilarious comics. He knows the art of blending dark humour into comics and we all love it. This man features everything from animals to deep thoughts. He has got magical hands with powerful creativity and a hint of dark humour.

If dark humour and comics excite you, then you need to check out these savage yet hilarious comics which specifically target people who are into dark humour. Mr. Lovenstein never disappoints us when it comes to art and creativity. You’ll surely have fun while going through these hilarious comics.

1. Maybe consider choosing words wisely. Sometimes, your words can become reality.

hilarious dark humour comics


2. This hilarious showpiece shows the cruel reality of life. And unfortunately, we can’t do anything about it.

hilarious dark humour comics


3. This is actually quite confusing. How are we supposed to differentiate between two things which look exactly the same?

hilarious dark humour comics


4. Dark humour seems pretty interesting yet hilarious. You must give it a try sometime.

hilarious dark humour comics


5. The lesson here in these comics is that you should love yourself no matter what others say. Such a deep illustration!

hilarious dark humour comics


6. Misunderstanding and love can either make our lives or ruin them completely.

hilarious dark humour comics


7. Be obedient to your parents. Stop being jerks. You need to learn to respect your elders. 

hilarious dark humour comics


8. Sometimes it’s better not to interfere in others’ businesses. They might lead to disappointment and embarrassment.

hilarious dark humour comics


9. Stop being arrogant. You might have heard Pride hath a fall. It’s true, I swear!!

hilarious dark humour comics


10. People nowadays have way too many problems. Rather than making those hardships a part of your life even you should work against them.

hilarious dark humour comics


11. This guy is going to be grounded. I’m telling you! Don’t upset your mom on Halloween. 

hilarious dark humour comics


12. Different perspectives and point of views! It’s hilarious yet admirable how two people can see the same thing from two different stand points. Fascinating!

hilarious dark humour comics


Read: 13 Realistic Comics On How Hard It Is Being A Girl In Summer


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