Signs Your Crush Is Not Going To Text You Back.


Talking to crush for the first time takes a lot of courage and after sharing your number you always look for the signs and wonder if they will ever text you back. After exchanging the phone number, the hardest thing is waiting for the text from your crush. You know you are dying, you can call them but still, you don’t wanna look so desperate and decide to wait. But what if your crush is never gonna text you back?

Here are the 12 signs that tell your crush is not going to text you back. Would you like to give a try again or forget about him/her?

1. It’s been three days and you haven’t heard from your crush

If you think logically, a person might be busy the very next day after taking your number. You can even wait one more day but if it’s been three days, chances are very high that your crush is never going to text you back.

signs crush not going to text back

2. You interact on social media but not through messages

You will tag each other in memes or reply to the comments but won’t make a conversation in private messages.

signs crush not going to text back

3. Do they only text you when they need you?

Ask this question to yourself and look into the past, you will have your answer. If they have been using you only for their benefits then these signs tell that they are not really into you.

signs crush not going to text back

4. They are always online but never respond to you

If you know that your crush has always his/her phone in hand and still you are not getting the reply, then it’s time for you to forget your crush.

signs crush not going to text back

5. You don’t see your crush anymore

They will start fading from your life and you won’t see them as much as you used to do before and when they stop texting you, it shouldn’t be a surprise.

signs crush not going to text back


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