Signs That Show You’re A Person Who Is Hard To Manipulate


This world is a brutal place and you’ll find all sorts of people with different personalities and not as pure intentions as they lead you to believe. You’ll come across people who can easily manipulate others for their own benefits. These people intentionally exploit the person they want to manipulate and create an imbalance of power just to take their advantage. But there are people who’re hard to manipulate.

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So we’ve listed down some signs that show you’re hard to manipulate and people can’t take your advantage!

1.You set your own priorities

Keeping your priorities above everyone and everything else is a trait that can save you from manipulation. People who stick to their priorities and never ignore them for any reason have full control of their life.

Signs That Shows You’re A Person Who Is Hard To Manipulate


2.You take action

One of the signs that you’re a person who can’t be manipulated easily is that you take action. You have set a path for yourself and will not stop until you’ve reached your goal.

Signs That Shows You’re A Person Who Is Hard To Manipulate


3.You avoid blaming yourself

People who blame themselves are the one who becomes the target of manipulative people. You can easily recognize such people and take responsibility rather than accepting the blame of the person who’s trying to manipulate you.

Signs That Shows You’re A Person Who Is Hard To Manipulate


4.You demand respect

Most people accept the respect they get and assume that this is what they deserve. But you should know your worth and what you deserve.

Signs That Shows You’re A Person Who Is Hard To Manipulate


5.You are not afraid to say No

This is one of the most important signs of a person who is hard to manipulate. They are not afraid to say no! Peer pressure is not just an issue for you, you don’t compromise your own desires just to please others and fit in.

Signs That Shows You’re A Person Who Is Hard To Manipulate


6.You know your boundaries

Any mature person puts boundaries and sets certain lines which are not allowed to cross by anyone, no matter how emotionally close they are. They have a specific code which they don’t let anyone violate; if someone violates their codes for them, they cut it off and push them out.

Signs That Shows You’re A Person Who Is Hard To Manipulate


7.You confront people who try to bully you

Bullies will always look for people who are weak and the ones who can easily be manipulated. But you won’t be bullied by them as you’ll not only stand up against them but also overcome it.

Signs That Shows You’re A Person Who Is Hard To Manipulate


8.You express your needs and opinions

You clearly state what your needs and opinions about things are. For you, your own life is the first priority and you know when the right time to speak up for yourself is.

Signs That Shows You’re A Person Who Is Hard To Manipulate


9.You use time to your advantage

It’s not difficult to get intimidated and taken advantage of when someone demands immediate response in order to put pressure on you. During this time you take your time to distance yourself from such people.

Signs That Shows You’re A Person Who Is Hard To Manipulate




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