13 Struggles You Know To Be True When You Have Friends Like Family


Few struggles never end, one of which is having your friends that are like family to you. This is the list of 13 struggles you know to be true if you have friends that are like family.

1. They come over when you don’t invite them

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Such friends feel no shame in entering your house as theirs because they’re way too close to you and almost your family.

2. They spend more time with your siblings than you do

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Because your siblings leak your embarrassing secrets and your friends then use them against you.

3. Your parents are continuously asking about them, way more than they ask about you

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And they always talk about adopting your friends just because they clean their room and you don’t.

4. They’re in your family WhatsApp group and your relatives talk to them more than they talk to you

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Your friends that are your almost family are always updated about your personal shit. They even know what you had for dinner yesterday night.

5. They know the names of all your cousins and even your extended family

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Because you mention to them every slightest shit that happens to you so they get used to listening to the same names over and over again.

6. Need to get permission from mom to go to that party on Saturday? Just use their name

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The struggles you go through while convincing your mom to let you go out are real thou. And your friends are your only shelter. God bless those jerks!

7. Need an excuse for why you were late? Just use their name

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Because if you’re with them, you’re secure. So take benefit of their names.

8. You can always drag them to boring family get-togethers and dinners

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And they’ll happily follow you in the hope of free food because they’re your family and they don’t need to hide anything from you.

9. Approval for sleepover is literally never happening unless it’s at their place

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Sleepover sounds like loads of struggles. It takes a lot of begging, nagging and weeping.

10. But you know they will always be there for you and your fam no matter what

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Such friends can’t be replaced as they genuinely love and care for you.

11. And they may get a little annoying.

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They might snatch your food, pull pranks on you or spank you for no reason but you can’t change the fact that they’re your real friends.

12. …But you know you could never live without them

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No matter how much they annoy you, you’re always going to love them for who they are.


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