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Tag: bad date

12 Awkward Confessions From People Who Forgot Their Date’s Name

These awkward confessions that we will be going through will make you think about the fact that striking up a conversation or overcoming nervousness...

Ordering This Drink Can Save You From A Terrible Date &...

A date might not always turn out the way you expect it to. You may meet a creep who appeared to be a gentleman...

12 Brilliant Excuses To Help You In Getting Out Of A...

Sometimes, we all have to face some really bad experiences during a date. But, the worst part is that it becomes difficult for us...

29 Worst Date Experiences That Are So Entertaining, You’ll Laugh Hilariously...

Worst Date Experiences Prove That Dating Is A Minefield First date, first love, and almost everything first hold a special place in our life. But...