29 Worst Date Experiences That Are So Entertaining, You’ll Laugh Hilariously At These!


Worst Date Experiences Prove That Dating Is A Minefield

First date, first love, and almost everything first hold a special place in our life. But not to these people. Their first dates proved out to be no better than the worst experience of life. These date experiences are like horror stories and will make you feel glad about yours. Though most of our first date was an awkward experience, for these people, it was a nightmare.

Read : Worst Date Confessions

Check out these worst date experiences that are amazing yet horrible:

1- I next would’ve gone to the most expensive restaurant and would’ve asked for 50-50 and looked at his face.

Worst Date Experiences


2- LOL.

Worst Date Experiences


3- Look for self then others. The world is mean.



4- Looks like you should have dressed better.

Worst Date Experiences


5- That might have been messy. Better luck next time.



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