12 Reasonable Things Science Has Got Totally Wrong!


Science is one thing we just can’t get pass through but there have been times when science was wrong and this is exactly what we are gonna do today. Let’s count 12 Things science has got totally wrong.

1. Accidentally Swallowing A Gum

Things Science Has Got Totally Wrong


You might remember hearing in the school that if you accidentally swallow a gum, it will take 7 years to digest it. A gum sitting in your stomach for 7 years is scary. But it’s not true. This is a true fact that our body cannot digest a gum. Since gum being indigestible as insoluble fiber, it passes through our digestive system and it comes out when you poop.

2. Pruning Of Fingers From Water

Things Science Has Got Totally Wrong


When we swim in the pool or spend a long time in the shower, we have seen our fingers and toes begin to prune. Early it was believed that this wrinkling helps in maintaining the grip on our fingers and toes if we need to k happened so that we can still maintain the grip on our fingers and toes in wet areas or if we needed to climb out. But a recent study showed that the swelling is because the human body narrows the blood vessels by contracting their muscle walls, this results in the wrinkled appearance.

3. The Great Wall Of China Is Visible From Moon

Things Science Has Got Totally Wrong


One of the mankind’s greatest achievements ‘The Great Wall of China’ was earlier believed to be visible from the moon, but this fact is wrong. It is not even visible from the low Earth orbit like where many Space Stations lies. The true fact is that you can only see lights on the earth surface from the moon.

4. Hair And Nails Keep Growing After Death

Things Science Has Got Totally Wrong


For many generations, people believed that even after death the hair and fingernails of a human body continue to grow long. It was believed that the follicles keep creating new cells. But it’s totally wrong, once a human body dies, the process of decomposition of the cells begin. Due to dehydration of the skin on a corpse, the nails and hair are pulled back which gives the appearance that the hair and nails look is growing.

5. Having Only Five Senses

Things Science Has Got Totally Wrong


We all grew up believing that we only have five senses; touch, smell, hearing, seeing, and tasting. It was all based on science that humans have five senses. But modern research of science has been able to break down the five basic categories and there are more senses. Scientists have determined that we have up to 20 senses including temperature, pressure, balance and a lot more.

6. Bulls Get Angry After Seeing Red

Things Science Has Got Totally Wrong


You know it was a common belief that bulls get angry whenever they see anything red. This has been the belief for centuries, all thanks to the matador and other studies, Science had us believing that bulls got angry when they saw red, and this belief became very popular on the television and other mainstream media. However, as animal biology advanced and progressed, we came to know about the fact that bulls are actually colourblind. So, why do they get angry after seeing a waving red cloth? Actually, it’s the movement of the red cape which agitates them.

7. Lightning Doesn’t Strike The Same Place Twice!

Things Science Has Got Totally Wrong


All thanks to meteorologists and the weatherman on the news, we mistakenly believed that lightning never strikes the same place twice. But when the scientists studied the weather phenomenon in-depth, they realized that lightning can strike the same spot twice, even several times. This is because the lightning aims to find the fastest path to the ground, so naturally tall buildings, trees, and similar structures are at the greater risk of getting struck by the lightning. It’s inevitable.

8. Drinking Alcohol Warms You Up!

Things Science Has Got Totally Wrong


Alcohol consumption is never healthy. What despite what your parents and friends have told you, the good news for the drinkers is that drinking alcohol doesn’t kill your brain cells. But the bad news is that alcohol still damages your body, although it’s not by killing your cells. There’s a belief that alcohol makes you feel warmer if you’re out in the cold. But it’s not true, actually drinking booze expands your blood vessels, and this brings a higher quantity of warm blood to the near-surface cold skin. But by doing this, you’re countering your body’s natural heating protocol. And this ultimately lowers the temperature of your body by the heat transfer.

9. Goldfish Only Has A Memory Of 5 Seconds

Things Science Has Got Totally Wrong


Your pet goldfish has a much better memory than you think. Earlier science said that a goldfish’s memory doesn’t last more than a few seconds. But according to the latest research According to research at Plymouth University, goldfish have a memory span of up to three months. And goldfish can even tell the time. They are smarter than you think.

10. You Must Drink 8 Glasses Of Water A Day

Things Science Has Got Totally Wrong


You might have heard Doctors, fitness trainers and even scientists telling the public to drink enough water, we have been told to drink 8 glasses of water in a day. Wrong! It’s a good habit to drink more water, but it’s an overly generalized rule. Our bodies get the required water from food content, from beverages we drink like tea, fruit juice. Also, human bodies are different, therefore everyone has different requirements. While one person may need only a few glasses, the other who works out for hours may need many glasses. Your water need depends on the activities you’re performing, your environment, it’s temperature and many other variables.

11. Water Conducts Electricity

Things Science Has Got Totally Wrong


I think by now we all know better than to go swimming during a lightning storm and not to take a bath with a plugged in poster nearby. But the truth is water doesn’t actually conduct electricity, shocking right? It’s the minerals and dirt in the water that are the problem. Pure distilled water which is water that is boiled, evaporated and the vapour condensed into liquid doesn’t contain any impurities and therefore can’t conduct electricity. Clean water like from your tap often has traces of minerals and dirt in it to help it conduct electricity. Seeing the distilled water is not something you encounter every day like in your bathtub for instance. It’s a good idea to keep electronics far away from any large bodies of water and stop making toast in the bathroom.

12. Our bodies are 70% water

Things Science Has Got Totally Wrong


Why don’t you charge head-first into Terry Crews’ chest and then try and tell us he’s basically a liquid? A minestrone soup is probably about 70% water. A human must be about 7%, max. We just busted a widely-known wrong science.

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