This Vet Walks Around California Treating Homeless People’s Animals For Free!

  1. Life in an urban society can get really challenging for some of us!

There is no lie in the fact that poverty has taken numerous people onto the streets. The graphs suggest over half a million, in the US itself. Furthermore, the state of California is on top of the same. Fortunately, some citizens are bringing hopes to the lives of the shelterless population.

Homeless Animals

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2. Stewart Kwane is on a mission to help the pets of homeless Californians.

This street veterinarian is on his mission since 2011. Post to the time of The Great Recession in 2007, He made his mind to help the ones in need. The 49-year-old said, “There was something about it that I loved.”

Homeless Animals

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3. Kwane always carry a medical kit with him.

Carrying his medical kit around helps him treat anyone one the spot. Whenever he cross paths with someone in need, he is there to the rescue.

Homeless Animals

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4. Stewart aims to raise donations to cover all the pricey treatments.

He also happens to run a page by the name, GoFundMe. The page aims to raise donations, to help those in need. The treatments and cure can sometimes get hard to manage financially. Saving one could add up to become an extremely large amount.

Homeless Animal
In the image above, the Street Veterinarian is helping a man with colon cancer and his dog named Crazy Girl.

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5. He says,

“I’ve experienced the most genuine stories of love, compassion, struggle, and hope.”

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6. Dr. Kwane Stewart is full of hope!

Expressing his gratitude on his GoFundMe page he adds, “I am blown away by your generosity! I now have a higher goal and dream of bringing more vets into the streets to help them spread goodwill to more suffering pets out there.”

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7. “Giving a little can make all the difference.”

Steward said it true, A little can bring a big change.

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