22 Times When Cross Stitches Were Absolutely Amusing And Perfect For 21st Century


We all know what cross stitches are. They have always been a part of our lives. Remeber when our grandmothers used to sit and make them for hours? But they were more focused on certain designs. But what if you bring those cross stitches to the times we live in? It wouldn’t be wrong to say that people are more sarcastic and bold now. We just need a way to voice our opinion. And once we get that opportunity, we simply don’t let go. So what if we combine the cross stitching and present-day sarcasm? The result will be amusing and hilarious, right?

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Here are some amusing cross stitches that will make you laugh as many a number of times you will read them!

1. Even this cross stitches cloth knows how evil cats are.

Times When Cross Stitches Were Absolutely Amusing And Perfect For 21st Century

2. I can imagine the number of times this is going to make mommy happy.

Times When Cross Stitches Were Absolutely Amusing And Perfect For 21st Century

3. A rainbow gangster frame made using cross stitches? Where can I buy this amusing thing?

Times When Cross Stitches Were Absolutely Amusing And Perfect For 21st Century

4. Tyrion Lannister, did you make this? I had no idea you could have a talent of cross stitches as well.

Times When Cross Stitches Were Absolutely Amusing And Perfect For 21st Century

5. This is not just amusing but also, hilarious. The number of times this is going to make everyone laugh is infinite.

Times When Cross Stitches Were Absolutely Amusing And Perfect For 21st Century

6. Was the person trying to write a song? Or did he/she got excited while making this?

Times When Cross Stitches Were Absolutely Amusing And Perfect For 21st Century

7. Can anyone tell me where can I meet the person who made this amusing thing?

Times When Cross Stitches Were Absolutely Amusing And Perfect For 21st Century

8. The wisdom we need but we don’t deserve. 

Times When Cross Stitches Were Absolutely Amusing And Perfect For 21st Century

9. Now, this is something I am going to remember all my life. Thank you, cross stitches.

Times When Cross Stitches Were Absolutely Amusing And Perfect For 21st Century

10. Did the pigeons order this? Because this is what they do. Everytime. Everywhere.

Times When Cross Stitches Were Absolutely Amusing And Perfect For 21st Century

11. Cussing and asking someone to fuck off has never been this cute. I can read this number of times and not feel bad.

Times When Cross Stitches Were Absolutely Amusing And Perfect For 21st Century

12. For a moment I thought I would be reading Kim’s name but the twist made it better.

Times When Cross Stitches Were Absolutely Amusing And Perfect For 21st Century

13. Can we replace the old phrase with this new and amusing one? Please?

Times When Cross Stitches Were Absolutely Amusing And Perfect For 21st Century

14. So do I. And so does everyone. Just that we need cross stitches frame to remind us all.

Times When Cross Stitches Were Absolutely Amusing And Perfect For 21st Century

15. Not sure what should I say about this. Um! Congrats, maybe.

Times When Cross Stitches Were Absolutely Amusing And Perfect For 21st Century

16. Can anyone tell me where can I get this? I need to send this number of times to a number of people.

Times When Cross Stitches Were Absolutely Amusing And Perfect For 21st Century

17. Goodness! this should not be in public. Hide it, delete it, don’t let the mothers see it.

Times When Cross Stitches Were Absolutely Amusing And Perfect For 21st Century

18. I have never seen anything more beautiful than this.

Times When Cross Stitches Were Absolutely Amusing And Perfect For 21st Century

19. When Shakespeare was high and trying his hands on cross stitches.

Times When Cross Stitches Were Absolutely Amusing And Perfect For 21st Century

20. Yeah, there are other places as well. Spare the bathroom at least.

Times When Cross Stitches Were Absolutely Amusing And Perfect For 21st Century

21. I seriously need this bookmark. I repeat, I seriously need this bookmark.

Times When Cross Stitches Were Absolutely Amusing And Perfect For 21st Century

22. Why did nobody ever made me read this? Things would have been simpler.

Times When Cross Stitches Were Absolutely Amusing And Perfect For 21st Century

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