20 Vintage Halloween Costumes That Will Give You Nightmares!


Fall, Halloween, pretty exciting isn’t it? Especially the Halloween costumes and treats. But one thing that nobody wants to miss is the vintage costumes. Because classic looks the best! But not always, especially if you are somebody who gets easily scared. These creepy costumes are ten times worse than some of the horror movies itself. And I for one definitely would not want to try them on and look myself in the mirror!

These nightmarish vintage Halloween costumes will creep you out and send a chill down your spine!

1. That is one creepy costume!vintage halloween costumes

2. I would definitely choose cyclops over these costumes!

vintage halloween costumes

3. Look like he just murdered and butchered somebody in there. 

vintage halloween costumes

4. Why people? 

vintage halloween costumes

5. These kids remind me of the House Of Wax creepy wax mask faced killer!vintage halloween costumes

6. Bony people and bony horse. This is creepy and definitely way scarier at night. 

vintage halloween costumes

7. Kids, you don’t realize now but a few years later you’re gonna regret this. 

vintage halloween costumes

8. Okay, that just scared the shit out of me!!

vintage halloween costumes

9. Whoa! And beneath those masks are Count Dracula’s three bloodthirsty Vampire brides!

vintage halloween costumes

10. I’m just trying to figure out what’s creepier this boy or those two boys back there. 

vintage halloween costumes

11. No.

vintage halloween costumes

12. Please tell me you’re not some spooky spirit!

vintage halloween costumes

13. One human amidst the inhuman crowd. 

vintage halloween costumes


vintage halloween costumes

15. Did the potato grow teeth?

vintage halloween costumes

16. Now, this is scary!

vintage halloween costumes

17. It gets creepier every time I look at it. 

vintage halloween costumes

18. What is this anyway?

vintage halloween costumes

19. Ew!! 

vintage halloween costumes

20. Please don’t kill me!

vintage halloween costumes

21. Bird girl? 

vintage halloween costumes

read also: 15 Absolutely Crazy Things People Have Found In Their House

22. Freddy Kreuger just came out of my Nightmare!

vintage halloween costumes

23. The Creepiest costume so far!

vintage halloween costumes

24. So you’re telling me this is normal? Normal on what scale man? How can anybody want to wear such things?!!

vintage halloween costumes

25. You cannot make me believe that it is not some witchy voodoo craft going on there!

vintage halloween costumes


read also: 27 Vintage Medical Images That Are Both Captivating And Horrifying


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