12 Absolutely Misleading Shadows That Will Make You Look Twice At Them


Did you ever notice how strange shadows look, at times? They can be weird sometimes and sometimes can make up a really good impersonation out of themselves. Sometimes, the misleading shadows can be so incredibly formed that you have to look at it twice in order to believe it.

That is the exact reason why this brilliant list of 12 shadows has been formed, which are so misleading that you definitely have to look at them twice.

1. Imagine yourself sitting on a couch on a normal day and you suddenly realise that your shadow resembles Rihanna more than your face. Anybody would freak out in such a situation.

misleading shadows that'll make you look twice


2. Would you be happy if your shadow looks like the face of Beavis? This guy right here, however, seems to be very happy with the fact.

misleading shadows that'll make you look twice

via via2

3. That can’t be one of those full body shadows which actually look like a face. And this time, it is none other than Lionel Messi whom the shadow resembled. Really made had to look twice, to make belief.

misleading shadows that'll make you look twice

via via2

4. Shadows can be so misleading. Just imagine somebody looking at this shadow from an angle where they can’t see the person. Will he not freak out thinking that it’s Linguini from Ratatouille? Absolutely, that’s the point.

misleading shadows that'll make you look twice


5. That’s exactly what I was concerned about. Anybody who doesn’t know who’s in the house already would think that it is Donald Trump. So misleading.

misleading shadows that'll make you look twice


6. When your cat’s shadow resembles your favourite superhero’s shadow.

misleading shadows that'll make you look twice


7. Here comes another shadow of Batman. These shadows are really cool, aren’t they?

misleading shadows that'll make you look twice


8. Imagine that you are out with the same dog at night and the street lamp makes the shadow appear this way. You might have to look twice at your dog, just to be sure.

misleading shadows that'll make you look twice


9. This horse is practicing modern technology while his owner is not keeping a keen watch.

misleading shadows that'll make you look twice


10. You must have earlier heard people saying “You are what you eat”. Misleading shadows like these prove it.

misleading shadows that'll make you look twice


11. You never know what shadow you are forming and who is clicking your picture, at what time. So you better look twice around you, just to be sure, otherwise an embarrassing moment like this can happen to you anytime.

misleading shadows that'll make you look twice


12. Trees or Rambo? Whatever it might be, can we just take a moment and appreciate how beautifully formed this shadow is? At the same time, it is so funny that the leaves of trees actually could form the precise portrait of Rambo. Unbelievable!

misleading shadows that'll make you look twice



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