Women Still Face These Double Standards Of Society On A Daily Basis


The introduction of the feminist movement over the years has led people to take the rights of women seriously. But we are still way behind from equality. The society still has some engraved ideas about women which are double standards and doesn’t seem to make any sense.

1. A man can be dominant but a woman cannot

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When a man acts dominant he is praised for having the quality of a leader determinant. When a woman does the same, she is immediately labelled as bossy or arrogant.

2. The inequality in salary

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We have all faced this at some point. Even if the same amount of work is put in by a man and a woman, she somehow ends up getting less.

3. Promotion is hard journeys for women

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Even if she is giving in her 100% for the development of the company when the time comes if there is a man on the list, he will be the one getting it.

4. Household work is always the department for women

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That is how society expects a woman to be. No matter how sick or tired she is, it is her responsibility to finish all of it.

5. Women belong to the kitchen

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Some adamant husbands still believe that even she is working and earning more than him, it is not appropriate for them to help her in the kitchen.

6. Harassments

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Molestations and harassment are prevalent everywhere indoors as well as outdoors. Thankfully now there are more strict laws and protections to save women from such situations.

7. Being socially active

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We have all faced this and dealt with this. A guy very socially active magically becomes ‘stud’ or ‘cool.’ But if a woman is friendly, society declares her as ‘slut’ or ‘attention seeker.’

8. Body weight

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Nothing seems wrong when a man is fat with a protruding belly. But a woman is always expected to look sleek and attractive. This even affects her dreams and achievements. The society plays so many double standard games with people’s life.

9. Age


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In how many movies have you seen a 22-year-old actress playing the love interest of a 40-year-old hero? And how many movies have you seen the opposite?

10. Complexion

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A fair wife is what every husband is looking for. Even if a dark-skinned woman has all the qualities to be a perfect wife and support, she is not considerable.


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