12 Signs You And Your Best Friend Are Basically Joey And Chandler


7. No One does the better impression of your friend than you do

You know exactly how they walk, talk, rant, laugh and everything. Hence, you are the best impressionor of them than anyone else.

 Signs You And Your Best Friend Are Basically Joey And Chandler


8. The party doesn’t start until you both walk in. Together. Because you always arrive together.

You decide the jokes, you decide what to do and even without discussing you play so well together in the party that you make everyone’s time worthwhile. You are the COA. Don’t tell me you don’t know the meaning of COA. If you don’t know its meaning you probably aren’t one.

 Signs You And Your Best Friend Are Basically Joey And Chandler


9. When you fight

First you both are going to rant at each other about how it feels. How the other one literally burnt your soul with their words and actions but within a few hours, you understand that it’s both of yours fault and do everything to please your soulmate. Haha, yes you can literally do everything to bring back the old them and it really doesn’t take long. Like, One:Oh hey.. umm. Other: I know you sorry nigga, gimme a hug.

 Signs You And Your Best Friend Are Basically Joey And Chandler



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