14 Surprising Reasons Why Staying Friends With Your Ex Is A Cool Idea!


Generally staying friends with your Ex is not always a good idea. Sometimes you need to stay away from that person and kick him/her out of your life. Staying friends or not to stay friends with your Ex is a never ending debate in the history of relationships. And probably no one is ever going to reach a conclusion. But sometimes it happens that your breakup was friendly and it just happened because you are more compatible platonically then you may have a good connection with your ex. Trying staying friends with your ex may be a risk but it may also come with some rewards for you. But only if you have some healthy boundaries, patience, and kindness.

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Doubting the sense in staying friends with your ex? So let’s check out some surprising reasons why staying with your ex is a cool idea.

1.You can have a friend who knows you better than others.

Of course, your friends know you but not as well as your Ex does. Your ex can read you inside out which is an important factor in friendship. They will tell you things that you sometimes don’t want to hear but needs to hear.
Staying Friends With Your Ex


2.You both have a great understanding(sometimes)!

Your Ex-know you extremely well and knows about your like and dislikes. It is not tough to confide in them after all. They already know things about you that no one else does and so the friendship becomes stronger.

Staying Friends With Your Ex


3.No battle for mutual friends

Staying friends with your Ex relieves your mutual friends too as there won’t be any war for who will keep the friends. Your social circle is like a regular circle there are no sides to choose.

Staying Friends With Your Ex


4.There are no reasons left to fight about

You guys have already had a lot of fights and that was the reason for breaking up. So now there are no reasons left for you two to fight about.

Staying Friends With Your Ex



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