These Photos Prove That Being A Husband Is A Genuine Form Of Art


Being a husband is a genuine art although different men fulfill the criteria in different ways. In fact, views of men regarding various everyday aspects of life are different compared to women. Nevertheless, this is not the bone of contention between the husband and the wife. In fact, this is the sauce of married life that makes marriages a more interesting affair. The ways of men are sometimes radically different from women and it may at times get irritating for the wife. Yet, there is no denying the fact that husbands do have the urge to learn how to do things, although in their own way. Whether it is about shopping at the grocery store, drying dishes or mistaking wife’s make-up sponge for a pastry, there is no denying that husbands have made it a separate art form. Such an interesting difference in perceptions can be subtly exhibited through some of these photographs below.

These photos do illustrate that husbands are often honest in their endeavor and can leave their wives in awe of their quality such as in doing the dishes or laundry. If the wife is irritated by the thought of washing all the dishes from the party last night, it is the husband who may come to her rescue and do all the dishes and leave them sparkling clean, albeit the arrangement of the cleaned utensils may be an irritant for the wife.

Men are not known to be fond of skin care, but when the husband brings along a box of skincare regimen on a vacation, it may well leave the wife perplexed, but appreciative of her husband’s new found motivation.

Men really find it hard to buy beauty accessories for their wives. So when the wife asks her husband to get some hair clips, he may end up with several boxes of different hair clips in order to please his wife. Sure, no woman would have any complaint with it even if it burns a hole in her husband’s pocket.

Checkout some of the artistic ways Husbands adopt to please or irritate their wife below.


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