Shameful! This Mother Asked Her Daughter To Sleep With Strangers For Money


What this mother has made her daughter do would make you nauseous and will probably rake your faith in motherhood.
When we look up to our mother, we see the hard work and dedication she put behind bringing us up as responsible individuals. There are just so many sacrifices on a mother’s end that there’s often no comparison to the amount of love her heart carries for us.

In a bashful admittance, one which has taken the internet by storm, a mother has agreed on national TV that she has allowed her daughter to sleep with various strangers to earn money which could be used to pay for their cosmetic procedures. We know you are taken aback, we were too.


The woman, Georgina Clarke, and her daughter Kayla Morris appeared on one of ITV’s hit show, Kyle Files. In the show, an equally appalled host, Jeremy Kyle posed various questions at the duo. Georgina took pride in admitting that she has been sending her daughter to sleep with strangers from when she was as young as 18. She told Kyle that she would often make Kayla dance and strip in front of older men.


On being slammed by Jeremy for the same, Georgina blamed social media for the pressure it has put on them to achieve unreal beauty standards.


She said that celebs like Kardashians and Jenners, who lead a very glamorous life, forced them to alter their looks and opt for cosmetic surgeries.


Obviously, these cosmetic surgeries were not cheap, so she was okay with her daughter pleasuring some ‘sugar daddy’ If it meant they will have the bucks to go under the knife and ‘perfect their looks’.


What this mother has done is outrageous, to say the least.


Pushing your daughter into pr*stitution just so you could look like some made up actresses is simply disgusting and a shameless act of selfishness.


The presenter Jeremy was furious throughout this mother’s fake sob story.


“What sort of mother allows her 18-year-old daughter to actually dance and sleep with older men that are complete strangers in return for cosmetic procedures?” – Jeremy


He continued, “If my 18-year-old daughter was sleeping with a 50-year-old man in return for money to have her b**bs done or her lips, I wouldn’t think of myself as a very good parent Georgina.”


To which Georgina shamelessly replied, “When Kayla told me that she wanted a b**b job and plastic surgery, I was glad because I wanted her to be that kind of person. I’m so lucky to have a daughter like Kayla who pays for my treatments. I don’t mind her having a sugar daddy or stripping to pay for our cosmetic work because we’re living the dream. I’m really proud of her.”


No, we don’t think social media or Hollywood is to be blamed for this woman’s weird mentality or questionable parenting skills. She is simply selfish. That’s all.


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