Most Expensive But Incredible Things Owned By Bill Gates.


What would you do if you were the richest person in the world? You would probably buy things that you wish to own, get a luxurious house or in simple words, you can get whatever you want. Similar is the case with Bill Gates. He is not just the richest man in the world, but also a man who incredible things. Here in this article, we are going to talk about the most expensive things owned by Bill Gates which are incredible. Do you recall any such thing? Well, if you don’t, keep scrolling to go through the world’s best and expensive things. From private jets to crazy interiors, he has got it all.

expensive and incredible things Bill Gates own


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Here are some of the incredible & expensive things that Bill Gates own. Let’s take a look!

Waterfront or you can call it an artificial beach

Building a home near waterfront is one thing but making a fake waterfront and man-made beach is something which only he can afford. His mansion is worth 130 million USD.

expensive and incredible things Bill Gates own


Luxurious cars

Who doesn’t love cats? The cars Bill Gates own is just a few weeks of money that he makes. He owns a Porsche 930 A. Porsche 911, 1988 Porsche and 959 Coupe.

expensive and incredible things Bill Gates own


A private library

He is a person who loves not only gadgets but books as well. He has a 2100 square foot private library in his house.

expensive and incredible things Bill Gates own


Private Jets

Not just one but he owns a good no. of private jets. He has high-end jets like Boeing 737 BBJ, Airbus ACJ319 and Gulfstream V.

expensive and incredible things Bill Gates own


Paintings & artworks

Bill Gates bought a painting in 1998 for 36 million USD. The name of the painting is “Lost on the Grand Banks”.

expensive and incredible things Bill Gates own


Interior design

Interior designs in his mansions can change its theme and color in just a push of a button.

expensive and incredible things Bill Gates own


Swimming pool

Bill Gates has a 60 ft pool which has underwater music system Sounds fun, right?

expensive and incredible things Bill Gates own


Home Theatre

Private home theatre is something which is owned by a lot of rich people, but what’s so special about Bill’s home theatre? Well, it’s luxurious and can easily accommodate twenty people.

expensive and incredible things Bill Gates own



He has a room filled with a massive trampoline. I wonder what Bill Gates do with it?

expensive and incredible things Bill Gates own


Bill Gate’s House

It took more than 5 years to build this mansion. It’s worth a hundred million dollars and a dreamland for everyone.

expensive and incredible things Bill Gates own


What would you do if you were the world’s richest man?

expensive and incredible things Bill Gates own


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