These People Know That The World Will Change Only If You Change First!


Everybody wants the world to change, but how many of us take the initiative ourselves? Do a good deed without wanting anything in return. Well, the change starts only with ourselves, each one of us should do something that will bring a change, no matter how small your act be. Remember every bit helps, and if each one of us does our part humanity will survive long after we’re gone.

Change in the world begins with us, and these people know this very well!

1. This man’s company had removed 225,718 tires from the Osborne Reef off the coast of Florida, definitely doing his part to save the environment.

2. The pizza delivery boy knew that their daughter has just turned one, so he got a baby pizza for her.

3. This little guy is Samuel, he has collected over 5000 blankets for the poor and plans to collect more and distribute among every homeless man.

4. This lady is hanging scarfs for the people to use in this bone-chilling cold. You’re doing a wonderful job lady.

5. This marathon participant found a puppy on the tracks while running and picked him up and ran along. She later adopted this little fella.

6. Somebody saw the cat trapped in a tree escaping two dogs and asked for help. The twitter responded so warmly. Bless this guy!

7. This man builds this “cat home” for the stray cats. Is anything sweeter than caring for the ones whom you don’t even have a connection with?

8. This kind woman decided to help out this old man with his groceries and help him reach home.

9. This guy had lost his gloves and a kind stranger returned them to him without leaving a note.

10. The passenger and the Uber driver saw a guy slipping over ice, they insisted him for boarding the car till he reached home as it was along the way they were going.

11. A kind man builds this library for and brings as many books as possible for people to read free of cost.

12. It was pouring outside so this kind man took the cat in and let him rest.

13. This little girl decided to donate her hair for the kids suffering from cancer.
14. Every week this guy comes to park to collect the trash and recyclable items.
15. Somebody who decides to drive 10 miles to return a purse and doesn’t even mention his name is definitely a good human being.
16. On every Valentine’s day, this guy invites the widows and old women from nursing and retirement homes and treats them with lunch and gifts.
17. This man decided to clean the snow off the bridge at the Bowl And Pitch in Spokane, USA.
18. It reads, eats if you are hungry, this café hangs out their leftover for the homeless to eat. This small thought will surely make a change in the world.


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