Pictures That Perfectly Sum Up The Struggle For Makeup Lovers In The Summer


Winter’s over and for good this time, we were fed up of all the blankets and jackets that just irritated the sh1t out of us. The one good thing about winters was no sweat though. In summer, you cannot live one second without sweating, sometimes the heat is just so much that even in the AC you’ll sweat. People who love makeup are the ones who’re more than just mad in summer because they can’t do that thing they love the most. They can do it though but well, it can’t stay up on their faces for long making all their efforts to look amazing than usual in vain.

Below are some pictures that perfectly sum up the struggle for makeup lovers in the summer:

Melting Away.



Without AC’s in the summer, that’s exactly what’s gonna happen, ladies.


Just pure heartbreaking when this happens, and it always happens!

The Environment Gave This Glow.



Some people spend a ton of money for that summer glow and then there are some who just get it in just some sweat.

When all the makeup goes to waste.

Heat is so bad for all the cosmetics that they’ll just melt out of your face once they come in contact with the sun.

When You Sweat Too Much.

When your sweat glands just don’t want you to have makeup but also not let you live peacefully.

When you forget what might happen in the sun.

And tada, now you have a favorite Mac Pocket.

Waterproof makeup has its own problems.

So, you thought using sweatproof makeup would cure your problems? Nah! Lady, now the problem is removing the makeup!

Anyone else feels this with me, huh?

If you were lucky enough for not trying this, just avoid it in the future, rest feel free to do the little experiment in case you were wondering.

When You’re Too Lazy To Re-Do Your Nail Polish.


Doing them once is so hard, and just because of the summer, twice? Never!

Why don’t I have eyebrows?


That’s why you should get some microblade before summer starts.

Sun ruins the fun.


“Forgot I spent some time in the sun yesterday so my foundation is too light and I look like a ghost”.

Relatable AF.



Especially, if you’re in the public in the sun or just accidentally got water on your face, everything starts flowing down and so does your life!


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