A Recent Study Has Shown That People Suffering From Acne Age Slower


You wake up in the morning and see a red swollen spot right on your forehead. This can be the worst surprise ever which no one has ever been happy to receive. Especially when you get the acne right when you were about to go on a date or have an urgent meeting.

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But you will be happy to know that although we have hated and cursed pimples all our lives and wished they never happened to show up again, there are actually beneficial in a way.

girls with acne problem


This good news will surely make you feel a little better the next time you are suffering from acne.

girls with acne problem


Have you ever wished to have acne-free skin like one of your friends? Well, it turns out you get to live more than they are going to. Yes, you heard that right acne can actually help our skin from aging. It was just an observation till now but scientists have proved the reason.

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The reason behind it is telomeres. To make it easier for you, let’s think of telomeres as the plastic caps at the end of the shoelaces. Those caps save the laces from tearing down. Similarly, the telomeres save the chromosomes from breaking down.

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Every time a cell divides in our body, the telomeres get shorter in size. This leads to quick aging and increased risk of death.

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Now, the good news is the ones who are more prone to acne have larger telomeres than the ones with ‘clear skin.’ This is what makes the signs of aging appear very late for them and prevents the skin from wrinkling and thinning.

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The study was carried out on 1,205 female twins. The participants were asked if they had any pimple problem and if so how they dealt with them. Then the researchers measured their telomeres.

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The survey had depicted that about a quarter of the twins had suffered from acne problems. They also had longer telomeres than the ones who never had a major pimple problem.

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Obviously deeper study and research need to be done in this field but for the time being, we know that there is a link between women, telomeres, acne and slow aging.

girls with acne problem

So, don’t be afraid anymore to post a selfie with your pimple buddies as now the world will know you will live long.


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