16 Reasons Why Long Distance Relationships Is The Best Relationship


Long distance relationships have a pretty bad reputation but only people who have been in one knows that long distance relationships are the best kind of relationship. Yes, I accept that distance sucks and it feels bad to stay away from the person you want to be with. All you can do to be with the person is skype and those long phone calls to feel better. But as you know there are always two sides of everything and so does long distance relationships.

Read More: Things You’ll Relate To If You’re In A Long Distance Relationship

Long distance relationships come with their own unique set of advantages that proves they are the best. Here are some of them that you may not have realized about them!

1.You have meaningful conversation

You can’t be on the phone 24*7 so you know how, to sum up, all the important things and explain it to him. For you people every conversation becomes meaningful!

Long Distance Relationships Is The Best Relationship

2.You get ample excuses to take holidays and travel

LDR means at least one of you have to take holidays and travel to meet the other. Or sometimes travel to some new place together and discover the best in your relationship.

Long Distance Relationships Is The Best Relationship

3.You have your independence and freedom

Being away from your partner gives you time to discover your tastes, and deal with challenges all by yourself. It feels good to know that you can manage things on your own.

Long Distance Relationships Is The Best Relationship

4.You discover new hobbies

You don’t get to see and be with them all the time you get plenty of time to discover some new hobbies to keep yourself busy with and impress them.

Long Distance Relationships Is The Best Relationship


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