Does This Pic Of Women In Bath Look Normal To You? Look Closer And You Will Find Something Sinister.


Some pictures look very normal in the first look but when you look closer, you may find something that not everybody sees. Your mind starts thinking that there might be something suspicious that’s why you are being asked to take a second look. Here we are talking about the picture of a group of women taking a bath which has gone viral for a valid reason. These women are enjoying and having a great time, there is no way that there could be something wrong here, right? No, there is something very interesting in the picture which looks completely okay, but if you take a close look you will find something sinister. What could be wrong here? Let’s try to find out what’s been hiding in the picture.

Here is the innocent picture of women taking a bath but look closely and you will find something sinister. Take a look!

1. The picture of women we are talking about

women in bath finds something sinister

2. But everything seems normal, right? I don’t think there is something suspicious but there is

women in bath finds something sinister

3. Keep looking

women in bath finds something sinister

4. Why don’t I see it?

women in bath finds something sinister

5. Nope, it’s not what you are thinking

women in bath finds something sinister

6. Don’t give up

women in bath finds something sinister


7. It’s not the girls 😀 

women in bath finds something sinister

8. It’s not even something to do with their bodies

women in bath finds something sinister

9. What is it then?

women in bath finds something sinister


10. Let me make it easier for you. Take a look at the window. Do you see it now?

women in bath finds something sinister

11. There it is. The biggest photobomber of all time :p

women in bath finds something sinister

12. Yes, you can hate me for this :p

women in bath finds something sinister

Image credit: Source

These women had no idea that there was a sinister peeking in from the window and watching them taking a bath. So, always be careful of your surroundings that’s all I can say.  If you liked the twist in the picture, share this with your friends and ask them to find the photobomber of the century.

Also Read:10 Misconceptions Men Have Regarding The Female Body!!!


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