He Was Abandoned By His Parents For Being Ugly And The Aftermath Is Unbelievable


There’s a heart-breaking story about a boy named Jono Lancaster we all need to consider. He was abandoned by his parents for being ugly but the story has a twist.

parents ugly story


It’s adamant to be ugly in today’s world. Especially, when your own parents don’t support you for that. You might feel like trash, you feel destroyed inside as well as outside

parents ugly story


That’s what an ugly child like Jono Lancaster feels like. Let’s have a look at the experiences he went through. His feelings might surprise you.

parents ugly story


Jono has Treacher Collins Syndrome.

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Jono was born without some bones in his face and also with flawed hearing,  which was enough to make him devastated but the story doesn’t end here.

What he learned in his life is to stay positive.

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No, Jono’s not distressed about it. He knows that people with Treacher Collins need 70 particular surgeries which make them lucky in a way that they barely survive.

His parents left him alone.

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If this happens to you, what would you feel like? You’ll go deep down in depression. You might think that there is nobody left to hold onto you. Right. Jono’s parents gave him to the social services. But his life demanded something else and a young lady named Jean Lancaster adopted him.

He’s not at all like the other boys, they said

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Jono got insecure about his looks as boys in school wouldn’t bother to look at him or run away while saying that they would catch his disease. Whenever Jono used to ask his mother why they did that, she would cry making him feel guilty for upsetting his mom.

After growing up..

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As he grew up, people’s hatred made him feel disgusted with himself for a long period of time. He would hate his appearance because he didn’t look like other boys.

The turnaround in his life

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The story took an overturn when he was sitting with his boss at a bar and he noticed everybody laughing at him.

The positive

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Jono started to consider positivity in their laughter when a skinhead told him jokingly that he was lucky to be deaf as it makes him bear his complaining wife.

Fate changes with time

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Jono now started his career as an inspirational teacher who talks about Treacher Collins. He says that his parents have nothing to do with him, what’s changed is his attitude. Nothing but a positive attitude can beat this world.

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