Artist Reimagines Disney Princesses With Short Hair.


There are two things that you associate with the Disney Princesses, one, their innocence, and second, their beautiful and lusciously long hair (no offense Snow, you look pretty too!). But, let’s be true, we’ve seen Disney Princesses with really short hair, because princesses aren’t supposed to have short hair, maybe? Well, an artist, like us all, was curious about how the Disney Princesses would look like if they had short hair, and the results are definitely worth taking a look at!

A Tumblr artist who goes by the handle TheNamelessDoll reimagined Disney Princesses with short hair and the results are shocking!

1. Ariel actually looks prettier than before, short hair really does suit her it seems.

2. Aurora, look more like Storm from the X-men rather than like a princess.

3. Well, Belle looks different than she was, different and pretty if you ask me!

4. Why should stepmothers always have the privilege of having the hair cut short? Cinderella definitely is getting the hang of looking updated with the fashion.

5. Giselle looks even prettier now, definitely worth taking the risk!

6. Ah, the lovely princess Jasmine, she looks really sweet even without her long hair.

7. If Hercules had seen Megara in this Avatar, he’d definitely fall in love all over again.

8. A hairstyle that suits the personality, Merida, you’ve definitely taken a wise decision.
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9. Mulan can now concentrate on her training even better without the hair bothering her.
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10. No more wind troubling Pochahontas!
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11. Oh my God! Rapunzel, the princess who’s known for her really long hair cut it really short?
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12. Okay, Snow White, you didn’t have to jump in on this one. Your hair was perfect!
short hair


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