12 Most Unbelievable Celebrity Body Transformations in Hollywood


Every celebrity has to go through several body transformations to get the perfect look for a role. However, some celebrity body transformations are so splendid that they will send chills down your body.  You just cannot believe the hard work and pain a celebrity has to go through to turn those body transformations into reality.

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Here are 12 Most Unbelievable Celebrity Body Transformations in Hollywood.

1. Chris Patt

Chris Patt, known for playing Andy Dwyer in the sitcom Parks and Recreation, was around 300 pounds when he auditioned for Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. He transformed himself and reduced 60 pounds within 6 months. He posted a selfie on Instagram with the caption “Six months no beer. #GOTG Kinda douchy to post this but my brother made me.” This is still one of the most famous celebrity transformations.



2.  50 Cent

The 35-year-old rapper 50 Cent (real name Curtis Jackson) lost around 50 pounds for the movie Things Fall Apart in which he portrays a  football player who succumbs to cancer. He ran 3 hours daily and adhered to a strict liquid diet.

celebrity body transformations



3. Matthew McConaughey

Matthew McConaughey, known for his muscular body lost a lot of weight for the movie Dallas Buyers Club in which he played the role of an AIDS patient. He only ate two egg whites, a plain piece of chicken, and a can of diet coke every day.

celebrity body transformations



4. Christian Bale

The most famous Batman, Christian Bale, lost 63 pounds in just four months for his character in The Machinist. He only ate a can of Tune and an apple every day. He wanted to lose 100 pounds but the doctor asked him to stop as he could have died.

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5. Charlize Theron

Charlize Theron put on around 30 pounds to play the character of a prostitute who sways into the serial killing in the movie Monster.

celebrity body transformations


6. Tom Hardy

In just 5 weeks, Tom Hardy got bigger and morphed himself to play the role of a British prisoner. He ate a lot of food and also hit the gym like a maniac. Post that, he got even bigger to play Bane in Batman.


7. Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman worked for 8 hours a day and barely ate anything to lose 20 pounds for the movie Black Swan.

celebrity body transformations

8. Jared Leto

To play a mentally ill killer in Chapter 27, Jared Leto stacked on nearly 70 pounds of bloat. He literally pushed everything to get that body.

celebrity body transformations


9. Matt Damon

Matt Damon lost 40 pounds to play the role of a drug addict veteran in Courage Under Fire. He ate a very strict diet. However, the weight loss program was so insane that he needed a medical supervision of 7 months post the shoot.

celebrity body transformations


10. Ryan Renolds

Ryan Renolds nearly gained 30 pounds of muscles for his role in Blade Trinity.

celebrity body transformations

11. Robert DeNiro

While filming Raging Bull, he initially got trimmed down and ripped. However, later added a bloat of 60 pounds to show the character’s decline.

celebrity body transformations

12. Chris Hemsworth

Chris Hemsworth, who plays the iconic character of Thor was the as muscular as he looked in the film. His look was backed by hours spent in the gym.

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