12 Things All Unmarried Girls Want To Say To Their Future Husbands


Here are 12 things all unmarried girls secretly want to tell their future husbands but don’t. And if you’re a guy don’t fail on your wives’ expectations as these people did :

18 Husbands Who Just Couldn’t Help Failing On Their Wives Expectations

1. Perfect husbands, only exist in dreams.girls future husbands


Girls don’t believe in perfection. All they want is a man who loves them for who they really are.

2. I feel bad for my future husband because of my unpredictable and meaningless mood swings.

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Mood swings are another name for girls. They don’t have a stable attitude but those who learn to cope with their mood swings are the real MVPs.

3. Dear husband, enjoy rest of your independent life. I am coming!!

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Because girls expect all the love and time from their husband.

4. Most irritating word “Husband”

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Sometimes husbands can be irritating. They do all the annoying stuff to make their wives angry.

5. The most caring and sacrificing man after your dad is your husband.

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Husbands are like angels for girls. They go out of their way to protect their wives and do everything to make them happy.

6. Where are you my future husband. Keep having fun with your current gf. I will ruin your relationship soon.

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Most boys are unaware of the fact that the girl they’re dating is most probably not going to be their wife. So keep having fun right now. When the time will come you will get apart yourselves.

7. Husband is another man for ATM machine.

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One of the responsibility of a husband is to fulfill all wishes of his wife. And that takes money so indirectly husbands are ATM machines.

8. Word: Husband   Synonym: Personal chauffeur, cook and  babysitter 

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Its really cute how husbands do all house chores to make their wives happy. This is heart-touching.

9. Husband = Scapegoat

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Husbands are really scapegoats as they’re burdened with tons of responsibilities after marriage.

10. Awkward moment when my future husband finds out that the girl he is dating now is not going to be his future wife. LOL.

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That’s going to be real fun! But he’ll feel blessed after having me as his wife and forget about every other girl.

11. Husbands are really ungrateful! If he dare to throw clothes or wet towel on the floor, I won’t clean his mess!

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The mess Husbands make are unbearable. They really need to learn some manners.

12. And…. where is my future husband? I want him now!!

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All the girls wish to meet the prince of their life as soon as possible. So, guys you better not make them wait longer.



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