Women Share The Gross Things They Do When Their Partner Isn’t Around


People are weird, a fact all of us know. And weirdness gets multiplied when no one is looking. Especially when you are in a relationship, you need to control and wait till your partner leave to do the gross things you like. In fact, they just don’t talk about these things. And when women share what all they do when their partner is not with them, we just get an idea of how weird all of us are. The thing there is this perception that a woman is always clean and does not do things which can embarrass them. This is downright wrong.

Read More: 20 Couples Share The Grossest Things They Do Together And It Will Make You Sick!

Here are some gross things shared by women on Reddit they do when their partner is not around!

1. Wait, what? I had no idea that women can do such gross things when the partner is not around.

Women Share The Gross Things They Do When Their Partner Isn't Around

2. I don’t think this can be counted in gross things. In fact, this is kinda romantic when the partner is not around.

Women Shares The Gross Things They Do When Their Partner Isn't Around

3. When women share such stories, I wonder why people blame a man for being gross.

Women Shares The Gross Things They Do When Their Partner Isn't Around

4. This woman shares her story of gross things she does when her partner is not around. We read the story and forget it.

5. Women or men, all of us are weird. And our affection towards doing gross things when your partner is not around is weird AF.

Women Shares The Gross Things They Do When Their Partner Isn't Around

6. I know most of the men and women must be trying to imagine this. Stop. 

Women Shares The Gross Things They Do When Their Partner Isn't Around

7. This is one thing everyone does when someone is not looking or when alone.

Women Shares The Gross Things They Do When Their Partner Isn't Around

8. At least spare the innocent cat. And everyone share the stories of how cats are weird. What about this woman?

Women Shares The Gross Things They Do When Their Partner Isn't Around

9. Finally, a woman who admitted doing this. Otherwise, everyone simply denies.

Women Shares The Gross Things They Do When Their Partner Isn't Around

10. Yuck! Statutory warning- Read at your own risk. The worst of gross things I have ever read.

Women Shares The Gross Things They Do When Their Partner Isn't Around

11. Had your husband seen you doing that, he would have never touched your breasts the same way.

Women Shares The Gross Things They Do When Their Partner Isn't Around

12. Who on earth do things like this? And when someone shares a story as such, I wonder how crazy everyone is.

Women Shares The Gross Things They Do When Their Partner Isn't Around

13. Thrilling has a different meaning for you and me, woman. But I guess, this is something you can do when your partner is not around.

Women Shares The Gross Things They Do When Their Partner Isn't Around

14. This is never going to sink. Also, you need to get some kind of treatment in my opinion.

Women Shares The Gross Things They Do When Their Partner Isn't Around

15. I am glad this article is over. I guess you are too.

Women Shares The Gross Things They Do When Their Partner Isn't Around


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