Mark Hamil The Star Wars Actor Proved Everyone Wrong Who Said ‘It Wouldn’t Last’


It is rightly said that matches are made in heaven. They are just the perfect couple. The same applies here to the star wars actor Mark Hamil who’s had a wonderful wedding aftermath. Recently, we celebrated the premiere of Star Wars: The Last Jedi but Luke Skywalker’s that is Mark Hamill had another amazing reason to raise a toast. He and his wife Marilou York have been together, happily married for 39 years. He met his wife when she was working as a dental hygienist in Westwood, Los Angeles. The star wars actor said People magazine in 1981 that “She came into the waiting room in jeans, white coat, breasts like melons, looking like a Vargas painting.”  “I said, ‘They let you dress like that at work?’ She said, ‘Yeah. Next.’”

The star wars actor said it was ‘love at first laugh:’ “I took her to Annie Hall to see if she had a sense of humor. I dropped women if they didn’t. There was this one close-up of a minor character, curling his lips back from his teeth. She leaned over to me and whispered, ‘Bad caps.’” They both got married on December 17, 1978, when Hamill was 26 and York, 23. The couple has three children together: Nathan (born 1979), Griffin (1983), and Chelsea Elizabeth (1988).

Although there were various people who pinpointed that their marriage won’t last, they proved it wrong. Let us recapitulate the events in their life that makes this wedding stand out from the others.

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1.Well, here’s the tweet Hamil made to the world to show his love towards his better half.

Mark Hamil The Star Wars Actor Proved Everyone Wrong In A Tweet Who Said ‘It Wouldn’t Last’

2. A First Date is always the most special and Hamil knew it very well!

Mark Hamil The Star Wars Actor Proved Everyone Wrong In A Tweet Who Said ‘It Wouldn’t Last’

3. Hamil loves women who have a good sense of humor. But if they aren’t good enough, he does not shy dropping them. But Marilou York was the one made for Hamil.

Mark Hamil The Star Wars Actor Proved Everyone Wrong In A Tweet Who Said ‘It Wouldn’t Last’

4. “There was this one close-up of a minor character, curling his lips back from his teeth”

Mark Hamil The Star Wars Actor Proved Everyone Wrong In A Tweet Who Said ‘It Wouldn’t Last’

5. “She leaned over to me and whispered, ‘Bad caps’”

Mark Hamil The Star Wars Actor Proved Everyone Wrong In A Tweet Who Said ‘It Wouldn’t Last’

6. Hamill confessed that it was “love at first laugh”. He enjoyed her company to the fullest and they both have proved people wrong. 

Mark Hamil The Star Wars Actor Proved Everyone Wrong In A Tweet Who Said ‘It Wouldn’t Last’

7. Mark Hamil and Marilou York got married on December 17, 1978, when he was 26 and she was 23 years old.

Mark Hamil The Star Wars Actor Proved Everyone Wrong In A Tweet Who Said ‘It Wouldn’t Last’

8. It is a lesser known fact that when they both got married, they knew each other for less than 1 year.

Mark Hamil The Star Wars Actor Proved Everyone Wrong In A Tweet Who Said ‘It Wouldn’t Last’

9. They have three children together: Nathan (born 1979), Griffin (1983), and Chelsea Elizabeth (1988)

Mark Hamil The Star Wars Actor Proved Everyone Wrong In A Tweet Who Said ‘It Wouldn’t Last’

10.This couple is just like wine. The older it gets the better it becomes!

Mark Hamil The Star Wars Actor Proved Everyone Wrong In A Tweet Who Said ‘It Wouldn’t Last’

11. It’s incredible to see A happily-married-couple in Hollywood that started their journey together with their love marriage and proved everyone who said ‘It won’t last’ wrong. 

Mark Hamil The Star Wars Actor Proved Everyone Wrong In A Tweet Who Said ‘It Wouldn’t Last’

12. And they have always been so sporting that age is just a number of them! They proved everyone wrong. 

Mark Hamil The Star Wars Actor Proved Everyone Wrong In A Tweet Who Said ‘It Wouldn’t Last’

13.The star wars actor Mark Hamil have got one more reason to celebrate the premiere of Star Wars: The Last Jedi!

Mark Hamil The Star Wars Actor Proved Everyone Wrong In A Tweet Who Said ‘It Wouldn’t Last’


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