The Addicted Side Of The Streets Of Philadelphia Revealed By The Photographer


Kensington Avenue is a popular place in North Philadelphia, because of the drug addicts who stay there and their dark realities. A 3-mile long avenue is crime-ridden and dangerous, entirely. It’s even scary to walk on the  Streets Of Philadelphia. Jeffery Stockbridge, a thirty-six-year-old photographer has an album of his work, named Kensington Blues, which documents on the struggle and the addicted side of the  Streets Of Philadelphia.

Since 2008, the photographer involved himself in the process of taking the portrait shots of the residents of this street, which is rarely talked about now. He heard what those people had to say about their lives, prostitution, and drug abuse.

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“The goal of my work is to enable people to relate to one another in a fundamentally human way, despite any commonly perceived differences” Jeffrey shared on his website. “I rely on the trust and sincerity of those I photograph to help me in this process.”, he said.

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Below are some of the photographs that he shot in the Kensington Avenue!


The Addicted Side Of The Streets Of Philadelphia Revealed By The Photographer

The Addicted Side Of The Streets Of Philadelphia Revealed By The Photographer


The Addicted Side Of The Streets Of Philadelphia Revealed By The Photographer The Addicted Side Of The Streets Of Philadelphia Revealed By The Photographer


The Addicted Side Of The Streets Of Philadelphia Revealed By The Photographer The Addicted Side Of The Streets Of Philadelphia Revealed By The Photographer



The Addicted Side Of The Streets Of Philadelphia Revealed By The Photographer The Addicted Side Of The Streets Of Philadelphia Revealed By The Photographer

6.The Twins Tic-Tac and Tootsie

The Addicted Side Of The Streets Of Philadelphia Revealed By The Photographer

The Addicted Side Of The Streets Of Philadelphia Revealed By The Photographer


The Addicted Side Of The Streets Of Philadelphia Revealed By The Photographer

The Addicted Side Of The Streets Of Philadelphia Revealed By The Photographer


The Addicted Side Of The Streets Of Philadelphia Revealed By The Photographer The Addicted Side Of The Streets Of Philadelphia Revealed By The Photographer


The Addicted Side Of The Streets Of Philadelphia Revealed By The Photographer

The Addicted Side Of The Streets Of Philadelphia Revealed By The Photographer

10.Pat and Rachel

The Addicted Side Of The Streets Of Philadelphia Revealed By The Photographer The Addicted Side Of The Streets Of Philadelphia Revealed By The Photographer

11.Sarah and Dennis

The Addicted Side Of The Streets Of Philadelphia Revealed By The Photographer The Addicted Side Of The Streets Of Philadelphia Revealed By The Photographer

12.Kensington and Somerset

The Addicted Side Of The Streets Of Philadelphia Revealed By The Photographer The Addicted Side Of The Streets Of Philadelphia Revealed By The Photographer

13.Matt Neal

The Addicted Side Of The Streets Of Philadelphia Revealed By The Photographer The Addicted Side Of The Streets Of Philadelphia Revealed By The Photographer

The photographer really took it into consideration of putting the addicted side of these people of  Streets Of Philadelphia into consideration and thought of bringing it forward to the world by his work, to let the mentality of people change about them, which was pretty judgmental. In the incorporating with the people of Kensington Avenue, the photographer mingled with them in the span of 2008 to 2014, six long years.

Each one of us is flawed and not perfect. It’s just that these imperfections are different for others and that is what required to be understood for the better understanding of the world and the unity of people, for it’s never nice to be isolated and not coming together for something good and better for the world. Keeping the differences apart and being one will make better changes in the world than being divided by differences. The people of Kensington Avenue are not what they’re portrayed to be, for these images and stories absolutely prove that with elegance.


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