25 Adorable Ways To Annoy Your Girlfriend!


Being a romantic and chivalrous guy is a relationship is very mainstream these days. It’s a lot of work for some guy. There should be some fun in your relationship too. Some guys love to annoy their girlfriend and it’s actually funny and adds some spice to their relationship. When you annoy your girlfriend she at some point gets angry and then you need to apologize to her. This grows more love between the two people. Keeping aside the love, when we come back to the ways to annoy your girlfriend there are a lot of them that comes to our mind. Below we have listed 25 ways to annoy the shit out of your girlfriend. Check them out and have fun! But let us warn you too!

Below we have listed 25 ways to annoy the shit out of your girlfriend. Check them out and have fun! But let us warn you too!

1.Reply to her messages with a “k”
This is one thing that annoys a girl. When she is texting you her feeling and you just reply with a “k”
annoy girlfriend


2.Eat their share of food.
annoy girlfriend
She will hate you for it. Food is a girl’s first love and you ate it without her consent. You’re probably dead!

3.Tell her that you wanted to say her something and then just say “Leave it. Nevermind!”
annoy girlfriend


4.Keep on saying her name to get her attention and then ignore her.
annoy girlfriend



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