Extremely Amusing Cakes That the Employees Got On their Farewell Day


Sometimes words are not just enough to bid farewell to your employees, so here some amusing cakes come to the rescue. Saying goodbye is probably the most difficult thing to say to someone whom you have been working with since a long time. We all have been employees and I am pretty sure that we all must have got a god farewell party while we were leaving the job.  It’s hard to bid farewell to someone who is leaving you behind with that shitty job. You don’t get enough words to express your feelings towards them. But custom design amusing cakes will do the job well. And if you are thinking about some pretty good ideas, we are here for you.

We have collected some extremely amusing cakes ideas that the employees got on their farewell day. Check them out and let us know your favorite one!

1.Too straight forward!
amusing cakes employees farewell


2.Another one!
amusing cakes employees farewellvia

3.This came out bluntly!
amusing cakes employees farewellvia

4.This hurts!
amusing cakes employees farewellvia 


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