Meet This Average Guy Who Has Slept With More Celebrities Than Taylor Swift!


What you’re about to witness is a look at the life of an average guy who has slept with more celebrities than Taylor Swift. Dreams do come true but for this guy they come true while he’s dreaming in his sleep. Average Rob is a popular figure on social media these days with his hilarious pictures alongside some of the big time celebrities and today we at Sarcasm are taking this time to go through some hilarious snaps of him sleeping with many big time celebrities.

Average guy slept with more celebrities than taylor swift


P.S. Haters will say it’s photoshop.

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An Average Guy Who Has Slept With More Celebrities Than Taylor Swift


1. David Beckham doesn’t seem too pleased with Rob passing out on his shoulder.Average guy who slept with more celebrities than taylor swiftVia


2. Seems like a hard day at work for poor Rob out there. On the other hand Obama seems to be having a great time. Average guy slept with more celebrities than taylor swiftVia


3. While Rob is in his sleep, Taylor Swift is focused on her upcoming single about her breakup with Rob.

Average guy slept with more celebrities than taylor swiftVia


4. Ryan Reynolds posing gracefully for a picture with sleeping, Rob. Not many get this opportunity, lucky Ryan.


Average guy slept with more celebrities than taylor swiftVia


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