12 Scientifically Proven Things You Can Do Today That Will Make You Happy


Do you know what makes you happy? This is probably the simplest yet complex question. We often confuse boredom with sadness. You are not sad, you are just bored. You need to figure out what makes you happy. It can either be sports or a serious job. You just need to listen to yourself and make your ways towards happiness.

scientifically proven things to make you happy

Write down the things that make you happy and after a month or two, try to answer the same question “what makes you happy?” again and write them down. Do they match? If yes, then congratulations. If no, still you don’t need to worry, things change and so do the mode of happiness. But if you still don’t know what are the things that can make you happy, here we have got some scientifically proven things that will make you happy.

Also read: Everyone Can Fall In Love, Here’s How You Can Fall Out Of Love & Move On

Take a look at these top 12 scientifically proven things that will make you happy.

If you had to pick one, which one would you choose?


1. Sleep more 

Sleeping more is one of the scientifically proven things that makes a person happy. When you sleep more, you are less sensitive to negative emotions. When you wake up after a good sleep you feel fresh and more active. It can make a difference to your whole day.

sceintifically proven things to make you happy

2. Excercise

Exercising is the most effective strategy for overcoming depression and 7 minutes exercise is enough. It also improves your brain power and gives good body image.

sceintifically proven things to make you happy

3. Spend time with your loved ones

We share a very strong bond with our friends and we really don’t need scientifically proven things for this. In everyone’s life, all good memories are either shared with close friends or family. Not staying in touch with family and friends is one of the top five regrets of the dying, so, don’t regret it on your deathbed.

sceintifically proven things to make you happy

4. Love your job

No job is cooler in this world. It’s you who make your job look cool, if you don’t like the job, then change the job. Do what makes you happy.

sceintifically proven things to make you happy

5. Shorten your commute

If you can move closer to where you work or work closer to where you live, do it. A long commute is stressful and draining, even if it allows you to buy a bigger house or have a better job.

sceintifically proven things to make you happy


6. Meditate for 15 minutes daily

A study proves that those who meditates have a stronger, and thicker cortex – the part of the brain that processes emotions, attention and sensory awareness. In other words, ignorance for anxiety is enhanced and you won’t respond to them as you might have in the past.

sceintifically proven things to make you happy

7. Go out

This is one of the scientifically proven things that spending time in the fresh air improves your happiness. Temperature has a bigger effect on our happiness. So, keep an eye on the weather forecast before going outside for fresh air.

sceintifically proven things to make you happy

8. Smile

Putting a fake smile will make your mood even worse. Smile when you meet your friends or other people, they will also smile back and this will create an ongoing loop that may lead to more positivity in your life.

sceintifically proven things to make you happy


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