Awkward Hollywood Movie Mistakes That Went Unnoticed By Viewers


People look up at Hollywood movies, no matter how amazing or terrible they may be, but all have some mistakes in them, which is overlooked by film makers at the editing table. People get so engrossed in the scene as to what’s happening that these movie mistakes just pass by unnoticed. Movie Mistakes do happen, but these mistakes can go above and beyond in their potential for ruining the viewing experience. Some of the movie mistakes are so glaringly obvious and awkward, it’s a miracle they survived the editing process.

also, read 14 Mistakes From The TV Series “FRIENDS” You Never Noticed

We bring you some of those awkward Hollywood movie mistakes in GIFs. Check it out!

1. American Sniper

If you look closely, you can see Bradley Cooper’s character using his thumb to make the fake baby’s hand move. This scene from American Sniper tops the list of Hollywood movie mistakes.

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2. Gladiator

There’s a scene in where you can see a gas canister in the back of a chariot, which is very odd considering those weren’t around in Ancient Rome.

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3. Matrix

You can see the breakaway section of the pillar during a fight scene

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4. Back To The Future

During this scene, McFly is in the year 1955, which is a bit odd considering the guitar he’s playing, the ES-345 didn’t debut until 1959.

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5. North by Northwest

If you look to the right, you can see that the child covers his ears moments before the gun is fired. He clearly anticipated the noise.

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6. Clueless

During Cher’s driving test she runs into another vehicle and destroys her side-view mirror, causing it to fly off.

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…but in the next scene, the window is magically replaced.

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