9 Daily Struggles Only Women With Resting Bitch Face Would Understand


We all have a resting face- mostly, it’s a blank expression, some look like they have a joke running in their head that keeps them smiling. But there is another dimension to this spectrum of resting faces- bitchy faces. Those people whose face fall into a natural bitch, grumpy expression when they are not particularly paying attention, an expression that seems to scream- “Off with your HEAD, jerks!”

You don’t understand their plight, the annoying situations they go through, the explanations they have to give.

Here are 9 problems women with Resting B*tch Face go through every day:

  1. Are you okay?

This question crops up frequently, you’re thinking of getting a tattoo on your head, which says. “Yes, I am okay, it’s just my face!”

Struggles Only Women With Resting B*tch Face Understand
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  1. Everyone is lining up to be your counselor

It is assumed that you’re ALWAYS miserable, so you get loads of “emotional support.”

Struggles Only Women With Resting B*tch Face Understand
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  1. When you’re labeled as bitch

You’re automatically relegated to be one mean, b*tchy a**hole, who is supposed to be super rude and having a trashy attitude.

Struggles Only Women With Resting B*tch Face Understand
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