11 Creep & Bizarre Cuisines People Actually Enjoy Eating!


It is quite joyful to explore other cultures and even more exciting to see how and what other people eat. But sometimes, this eagerness to explore might end up being disastrous for your stomach. You wouldn’t believe but people around the world enjoy eating fried tarantulas, duck embryos, live fish and a bunch of other weird stuff. Now before knowing about these bizarre cuisines that people enjoy across the world, ask yourself if you really want to know about them.


1. Shirako

11 Bizarre Cuisines People Actually Enjoy Eating!

Shirako is a famous Japanese dish, which can never become famous in the West. Now you may ask why? That’s because it is prepared from blowfish’s sperm sac. YES! Japanese people claim it to be creamy, buttery, and smooth. Well, I mean, of course….

2. Ying Yang Fish

11 Bizzare Cuisine People Actually Enjoy Eating!

A seafood cuisine in which the fish is deep fried. It remains alive at the time of serving and this is the reason why it has dealt with a lot of condemnation. Ying Yang Fish is a popular dish in Taiwan and China.

3. Sannakji

11 Bizzare Cuisine People Actually Enjoy Eating!

Ever thought of eating something that’s still moving, and has a complete possibility to choke you to death? No, right? But for the dare seekers wandering through Korea, one of the bizarre cuisines Sannakji exists. In this meal, pieces of live baby octopus are served. The dish undergoes a minimal preparation and gets served with sesame oil.

4. Fried Tarantulas

11 Bizzare Cuisine People Actually Enjoy Eating!

You can either be afraid of this awkward-looking creature, or you can be disgusted. There’s no in between. But do you know people across Cambodia enjoy eating fried Tarantulas? It is quite a famous dish among the Cambodians which they prepare by burning live Tarantulas with oil. Um, okay!

5. Cobra Heart

11 Bizzare Cuisine People Actually Enjoy Eating!

Such bizarre cuisines exist in a few parts of Vietnam, which is definitely not for the fain-hearted people. In this full meal, you are being served the still-beating heart of a cobra, dropped in a glass of its own blood. If that’s not enough, you will also get a dish prepared from the remains of the cobra.

6. Tuna Eyeballs

11 Bizzare Cuisine People Actually Enjoy Eating!

How would it feel to have your food literally staring at you? Disgusting, right? While it may seem ridiculous to a few, people across Japan loves eating such dish. They are Tuna Eyeballs. This squid-like tasting cuisine is considered healthy for the brain. So in case you need your brain (if any) to be more healthy, go for it!

7. Pig’s Blood

11 Bizzare Cuisine People Actually Enjoy Eating!

It is quite a famous dish in Hungary. After slaughtering a Pig, its blood is collected and preserved which is then fried and served with onions.

8. Dragon In The Flame Of Desire

11 Bizzare Cuisine People Actually Enjoy Eating!

“Wow! That’s an exotic name.” Right? But trust me, the name has nothing to do with the dish’s odd nature. In a restaurant at Beijing, ‘Dragon In The Flame Of Desire’ is a dish which includes roasted Yak’s penis. Ew! Like, seriously?

9. Jing Leed

11 Bizzare Cuisine People Actually Enjoy Eating!

Jing Leed is a famous and reportedly delicious snack in Thailand (really?), which includes 1.5 inch deep-fried crickets. They are served with pepper and Golden Mountain sauce. I’d rather be on a diet than to have this.

10. Balut

11 Bizzare Cuisine People Actually Enjoy Eating!

This popular Filipino dish is an eighteen-day fertilized duck embryo that is boiled alive and is eaten in the egg itself. Because of its insanely awkward texture, even the most daring food lovers think twice before even touching these bizarre cuisines. Would you?

11. Bird’s Nest Soup

11 Bizzare Cuisine People Actually Enjoy Eating!

Swiftlet birds build their nest from their own gummy saliva. Now when the human race got to know about this, they rushed to these nests, and thought “Let’s make a f*ucking dish out of it.” And oh yes, if you consume this, you are actually drinking that Bird’s saliva. Good luck!


I mean literally you people, how could you even manage to get these things down your throat?

Also read: These Creepiest Discoveries Of All Time Will Send Down Chills


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