This Cancer Survivor Doing A Bridal Photoshoot Is An Inspiration For Every Woman


A lot of women want to make their bridal photoshoot spot on. They wish to look the best in their wedding outfits. However, life can sometimes be very unpredictable. A lot of things don’t turn out to be as they were planned. Vaishnavi Poovanedran, a breast cancer survivor did the most beautiful bridal photoshoot ever and is indeed an inspiration for every woman.

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In her bridal photoshoot ‘Bold Indian Bride’, she made an effort to break all the stereotypes and tried to inspire women about accepting themselves. She also described the changes that women go through while fighting cancer.

Cancer Survivor Bridal Photoshoot Inspiration Woman


Vaishnavi became famous after she posted few photographs from her bridal photoshoot on social media. She told that every cancer survivor has the right to live his or her life to the fullest and should not refrain from doing the same.

Cancer Survivor Bridal Photoshoot Inspiration Woman


She is truly a fighter. She has actually beat cancer twice. Five years ago, she got to know that it had spread to her liver and backbone. With a number of medical procedures and chemotherapies, she finally beat cancer.

Cancer Survivor Bridal Photoshoot Inspiration Woman


She shared that a lot of women postpone their bridal photoshoot because they think that they won’t look good. Vaishnavi wanted to break this notion.

Cancer Survivor Bridal Photoshoot Inspiration Woman


Just like every other woman, she had seen some dreams for herself. However, because of cancer and related medical procedures, she lost her hair and was devastated. She constantly felt that she was not beautiful enough to be loved. However, later she learned to accept what we have, appreciate what we are and welcome what is coming.

Cancer Survivor Bridal Photoshoot Inspiration Woman


Well, these photos are meant to act as an inspiration for thousands of people but nothing can beat her spirit and we think that her real beauty lies in her spirit.

Cancer Survivor Bridal Photoshoot Inspiration Woman





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