College Girl Takes Revenge from Roommate After Seeing Her Tweets


Celebrity feuds aren’t the only ones that gain traction on Twitter! This college girl has a different story.

This time, a beef between two roommates at Penn State is absolutely blowing up!

On Tuesday, a college girl found pretty mean sub-tweets her dorm mate, Nikki had posted about her.

College is there to teach you about living with shitty people. Now if you are going to vent about your roommate, and you only have one you should really not tweet about it.



Today, if you hate your roommate, you can tweet about her. Just make sure your Twitter is private — otherwise you run the risk of your now-angry roommate finding your tweets, printing them out, and stapling them to a public bulletin board.

Her tweet has gone viral and I bet that room is filled with awkward silence now. She said, “today i found all the subtweets my roommate has made about me, so i printed them out and hung them up in our dorm”

college girl


After realizing that her roommate was slagging her online, Twitter user, uncle Jessy, got her revenge by printing out the offending tweets and hanging them up in their dorm.

college girl




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