Cool Things That Your Apple Earphones Can Do! You Surely Don’t Know All.


Yes, I do agree that Apple earphones aren’t the greatest pair of mobile accessories out there. Though they have a good design, an earphone has to be all about sound. There are way better and cheaper options available in the market if made comparisons with the Apple earphones. Apple is known for delivering products that make people’s lives easier. And just like any other Apple product, the earphones by the company can perform many functions to make our lives easier. I bet you don’t know a majority of them. Today we at Sarcasm will list some really cool things you didn’t know your Apple earphones can do without having to touch your iPad, iPod or iPhone.

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#1 Skip to the next track

Cool Things That Your Apple Earphones Can Do

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Hating a particular track? Have you heard it way too many times? Want to skip it? Tap your Play/Pause button twice and easily skip directly to the beginning of the next track.

#2 Fast-forward

Cool Things That Your Apple Earphones Can Do

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You can easily fast forward to the favorite part of your song or movie by swiftly tapping the play/pause button twice and then holding down the button after the second tap. It’ll skip forward in no moment.

#3 Rewind

Cool Things That Your Apple Earphones Can Do

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Want to rewind a track. All you got to do is hit the play/pause button rapidly thrice and then hold the button down. The audio or video track will rewind.

#4 Skip to the previous track

Cool Things That Your Apple Earphones Can Do

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Just tap the play/pause button thrice to play the previous track on your iPhone. 


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