18 Couples Share Why They Absolutely Hate Sharing Bathroom


Couples are supposed to share everything. And when they live together, be it married or in live-in, things are bound of get shared. And this whole thing brings the two together. Sharing is caring, something all of us have been taught. But imagine sharing just one bathroom. Yes, you get the feeling, right? You seriously want to take a piss but your partner is taking forever in the only bathroom you two have. Who wouldn’t hate that? This also leads to so many arguments. On one hand, men complain that their wife/girlfriend take very long to take a shower or for makeup. While on the other hand, women complain that men keep using their mobiles inside the washroom. And both of these are right in their places.

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So these couples shared in Whisper why they hate sharing one bathroom!

1. One of the biggest reasons why couples need to have more than one bathroom. But why kitchen, gross.

Couples Share Why They Absolutely Hate Sharing Bathroom

2. Anyone would hate sharing bathroom for this reason.

Couples Share Why They Absolutely Hate Sharing Bathroom

3. Now, this is one of those things everyone will be able to relate to.

Couples Share Why They Absolutely Hate Sharing Bathroom

4. This is why couples need more than one bathroom. By the way, your husband does what you are supposed to.

Couples Share Why They Absolutely Hate Sharing Bathroom

5. Reddit and other social media sites should be banned in such places.

Couples Share Why They Absolutely Hate Sharing Bathroom

6. So you provide the fertilizers needed, good.

Couples Share Why They Absolutely Hate Sharing Bathroom

7. I can’t stop laughing at this one. Poor dog!

Couples Share Why They Absolutely Hate Sharing Bathroom

8. Exactly, it is. Not just for couples but even for an entire family.

Couples Share Why They Absolutely Hate Sharing Bathroom

9. What is it with people peeing in their kitchen? That place is meant to cook and eat not this.

Couples Share Why They Absolutely Hate Sharing Bathroom

10. You two need to move to another place before this issue coverts into hate.

Couples Share Why They Absolutely Hate Sharing Bathroom

11. These people are giving couple goals. Not just heart should be in sync. 

Couples Share Why They Absolutely Hate Sharing Bathroom

12. Well, let’s just wish them to get well soon and move forward. 

Couples Share Why They Absolutely Hate Sharing Bathroom

13. Arnold, is that you? Or Daya from C.I.D?

Couples Share Why They Absolutely Hate Sharing Bathroom

14. Maybe you should get a new bathroom or talk about it.

Couples Share Why They Absolutely Hate Sharing Bathroom

15. Finally, someone who took some step. Proud of you, lady.

Couples Share Why They Absolutely Hate Sharing Bathroom

16. This one conversation between couples would be fun to watch.

Couples Share Why They Absolutely Hate Sharing Bathroom

17. I seriously would hate my partner in a situation as such.

Couples Share Why They Absolutely Hate Sharing Bathroom

18. Maybe because you can’t afford it?

Couples Share Why They Absolutely Hate Sharing Bathroom


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