This Daring Woman Wears Body Paint Instead Of Clothes And No One Really Notices.


A woman named Julie Nolan decided to do a little experiment on herself.  She wore body paint for a day and she also admitted that it was the first time she did something like this. Body painter Pashur created fake body paints clothes for her which looked like she was wearing some. This whole experiment led Julie to know about the surprising insights related to one’s insecurities. Since her school days, Julie always has been concerned about her body image and once in a dance class she was mocked for having cellulite on her legs.

See how this woman wore body paint for a day to overcome body image issues and no one really noticed that she wasn’t wearing any clothes.

1. Pashur House is a professional body painter and he helped Julie in painting a T-shirt and jeans on her.

woman wears body paint

2. Meet Julie who is all set to do this experiment

woman wears body paint

3. Julie never had issues with her body image but once in musical she had to wear a leotard on stage, and the next day at school she heard people talking about cellulite on her legs.

woman wears body paint

4. After that incident in high school, Julie was always concerned if she looked skinny enough. 

woman wears body paint

5. “Wearing body paints feel like I’m taking off my shield and putting myself out there”.

woman wears body paint

6. “I’m really scared but I think it’s gonna be a positive forward.”

woman wears body paint 


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