12 Disgraceful People You Won’t Believe Have The Smallest Brains Of Humankind.


Considered yourself lucky if you have never been let down by pea-brained people in life. There are definitely some individuals with brilliant brains who are appreciated for their intelligence but then there are some people with the smallest human brains in the history of humankind, who just refuse to incline towards common sense.

1. When they literally murder English.
They have smallest brains of humankind


Learn to accept whenever someone corrects you otherwise you end up like this, making a complete ass out of yourself.

2. Someone needs to boost his G.K.
They have smallest brains of humankind


Whether he did this intentionally I would never know, but clearly, some people cannot live without drama in their life. I, somehow, feel this guy has literally the smallest brain of humankind. For those who still didn’t get it, the citizens of Spain are called Spaniards and the language they speak is Spanish.

3. When you blindly follow fashion trends.
They have smallest brains of humankind


If you want to re-use your old torn jeans, this is surely not how you do it. Some trends are better left for the ramp.

4. Congratulations, you are a Maths genius now.
They have smallest brains of humankind


People love to be challenged and that’s what has made quizzes and riddles a social media norm. But not all the tricks are to test your intelligence, some are devices to bring out people’s inherent stupidity.

5. Students’ Diary.
They have smallest brains of humankind


Calling someone stupid in their faces is mean. But when you post something online without mentioning names it no longer is mean. So people use their digital diary to express their meeting with people having smallest brains and let out their frustration.

6. OMG! What is this girl up to?
They have smallest brains of humankind


Do people do this only for attention or they really have the smallest brains of humankind with no grey matter whatsoever? Be careful with your captions from now on.

7. Chickens, what do you like eating?
They have smallest brains of humankind


Some just cannot accept that they can be wrong. And on top of that jumps into an argument with their smallest brains.

8. This is what happens when they leave their brains at home.
They have smallest brains of humankind


Do a favour on humankind and stay at home please with your brain. Some things exclusively should be used for their inherent purpose. Ignoring that to make a style statement can make you a subject of trolls.

9. Yeah right, as if steel could melt so easily.
They have smallest brains of humankind


So many people fake things on social media every day, even their identity. But one should know how to play the game otherwise they just look brainless.

10. Bruh!!
They have smallest brains of humankind


No person can be this wrong. It’s all about craving for attention.

11. How innocently stupid he is!
They have smallest brains of humankind


I don’t even know how they manage to acquire the smallest brains. Nature has its enchanting ways I agree, but this is certainly not an example of that.

12. This is the epitome of brainlessness.
They have smallest brains of humankind


How she even decided to upload this on social media I wonder. I mean she is literally white herself. Nonetheless, humankind has its own ways to frustrate you.


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