Disturbing Optical Illusions That Are Enough To Daze You!


This world is full of weird stuff which is not the way as it may appear. The human brain is considered the smartest thing but yet, it can also be tricked. And you know how? Just by some random pictures which have a sole purpose of bending and twisting our imagination. These optical illusions have nothing in them, yet, they can make you see things. Like… Seriously!

Stare continuously at an image and you may suffer from a headache. Or stare at an image and you’ll see it moving. These optical illusions have no strings attached, it’s only the imagination power of our mind that ditches us into seeing things. Believe it or not, it’s all in the head.

1. Hermann Grid

20 Optical Illusion That Are Enough To Daze You

This optical illusion was discovered by Ludimar Hermann in 1870. Every point where the white lines intersect, our eyes perceive a grey blob. But, as soon as you’ll look through the intersections, the blob vanishes!

2. Wave Shape

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It may seem that image has crooked lines. But pay close attention, and you will find that the horizontal and vertical lines are perfectly straight.

3. Black Top Or Black Bottoms!

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Ah, it’s easy. The pillars have black at the top. No… Wait… What?

4. Kanizsa Triangle

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Look closely at the image, and your brain will perceive contours of a triangle. Look closely again and you’ll find that no such triangle exists. It is an illusion formed by the angles and the wedges.

5. Moving Circles.

20 Optical Illusion That Are Enough To Daze YouVia
Stare at the black dot in the centre and move your phone back and forth. You’ll see the rings moving.

6. Wavy Leaves

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Felt a mild headache? Well, why would I suffer alone?


7. Jastrow Illusion

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The second bar is the longest right? WRONG! Both the bars are equal in length and the reason why our brain assume ‘B’ to be longer, is because the shorter side of ‘A’ is adjacent to longer side of ‘B’.

8. Grey Bar

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It may seem that the grey bar in the centre changes its shades from left to right. Visit http://workerscompensationlawyerssandiego.com site to find more info about respectable workers compensation lawyers in California. But that’s not true. Only the background shades changes, the grey bar has the same shade throughout.

9. Orbison Illusion

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The Red Diamond on the blue lines seems distorted. But it isn’t.

10. Zöllner Illusion

20 Optical Illusion That Are Enough To Daze YouVia
This image messes up with your brain to make these lines look like they are diagonal, which are in fact, parallel.

11. Static Motion

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They are rolling. I see it too.

Also read: The Makeup Of This Woman Takes Optical Illusion To An Insane Level.


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