22 Spoiled Dogs That Live A Better Life Than You And You Can Only Cry


When people get pets, especially a dog or dogs, they go crazy. Having a dog myself, I know and go through the craze every day. We owners often let our dogs live like a king. They are not just fed well but also, the gifts they get on a daily basis is something I can’t even describe. And it gets to the point where our spoiled dogs end up having a better life than most people around, I guess they totally deserve it. Call me a dog lover but you can’t deny the fact that they are a man’s best friend. People leave, dog’s don’t.

Here are adorable pictures of spoiled dogs who are living a better life than us!

Read More: 13 Occasions When Dogs Were Kind Of Annoying But Extremely Adorable

1. Talking about spoiled dogs, are we? Well, this little guy tops the list.

Spoiled Dogs That Live A Better Life Than You And You Can Only Cry

2. I have never ever been this comfortable. This one of the many spoiled dogs indeed has a better life to live.

Spoiled Dogs That Live A Better Life Than You And You Can Only Cry

3. Spoiled dogs or not, they are always cute and live their life the best. 

Spoiled Dogs That Live A Better Life Than You And You Can Only Cry

4. Well, spoiled dogs and their owners are weird together. This one is cute and for sure has a better life than me.

Spoiled Dogs That Live A Better Life Than You And You Can Only Cry

5. Let us all just take a moment and admire this little ball of fur. That’s how you live your life.

Spoiled Dogs That Live A Better Life Than You And You Can Only Cry

6. True that this dog is living a better life than me. Also, this seems to be a dog version of Disney Princesses. 

Spoiled Dogs That Live A Better Life Than You And You Can Only Cry

7. Spoiled dogs or spoiled owners? Chose wisely. This woman already has her priority sorted. 

Spoiled Dogs That Live A Better Life Than You And You Can Only Cry

8. Wait, what? I have never even stepped in the business class, this guy is in a private jet. 

Spoiled Dogs That Live A Better Life Than You And You Can Only Cry

9. This is so adorable. It actually seems like a good idea to play with our pets.

Spoiled Dogs That Live A Better Life Than You And You Can Only Cry

10. I know, I know, you want to say how lavish this dog’s life is. But let us just leave and let him sleep.

Spoiled Dogs That Live A Better Life Than You And You Can Only Cry

11. No, not a case of spoiled dogs. But man, his has a better life to live as compared to half of us.

Spoiled Dogs That Live A Better Life Than You And You Can Only Cry

12. As if just a room in the previous picture wasn’t enough. This one has his own house.

Spoiled Dogs That Live A Better Life Than You And You Can Only Cry

13. Your dad loves him way more than you people. And he seems to be having pretty serious conversation with him.

Spoiled Dogs That Live A Better Life Than You And You Can Only Cry

14. When was the last time you celebrated your birthday like this? 

Spoiled Dogs That Live A Better Life Than You And You Can Only Cry

15. This is one date I would totally agree to go for. I am seriously going to make my pet as one of the spoiled dogs.

Spoiled Dogs That Live A Better Life Than You And You Can Only Cry

16. My lady does not seem to be impressed, human. Do something ASAP for her.

Spoiled Dogs That Live A Better Life Than You And You Can Only Cry

17. Well, you are kinda allowed to spoil your pets to some extent. I mean, they deserve to live this way.

Spoiled Dogs That Live A Better Life Than You And You Can Only Cry

18. That smile is enough to tell you that you as an owner has succeeded. 

Spoiled Dogs That Live A Better Life Than You And You Can Only Cry

19. Oh, come on, he is not spoiled. Just having a life most of us can’t have.

Spoiled Dogs That Live A Better Life Than You And You Can Only Cry

20. Has anyone ever made a painting of you? Ever? No, right? Feel bad now?

Spoiled Dogs That Live A Better Life Than You And You Can Only Cry

21. Everyone needs a warm water bathtub time, even our spoiled dogs.

Spoiled Dogs That Live A Better Life Than You And You Can Only Cry

22. Just a pet dog in traveling in first class enjoying an awesome meal. 

Spoiled Dogs That Live A Better Life Than You And You Can Only Cry

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