People Confess About The Most Disturbing Thing They Have Ever Witnessed!


8.“While I was enjoying the snow with my grandmom in a two apartment building. We heard a yelling sound and saw a guy falling. He was thrown off one of the balconies and somehow managed to impale himself on the tip of a tree. My grand mom covered my eyes before I could see anything else. I don’t know how much worse the situations must have been.”-Prestigious_Penguin
disturbing thing ever witnessed


9.” It’s not as bad as some people go through but when I was 10 I was redoing the patio. I pulled a brick and saw a mummified cat underneath it. I still freak out when peeking behind things.”-Wolfking71
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10.”Once I was at my dad’s home and I turned on the T.V. As soon as the TV started there was some po*n on and I turned it off quickly and just walked away from there like nothing happened and I saw a ghost.That’s the most embarrassing situation I have ever witnessed”-will-o-of-the-wisp

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